Chapter 1

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Victor was planning to bite his own teeth and survive through the studies to make his parents happy.

That was until he found a student card lying on the sidewalk near the train station. It belonged to a boy named Boris Vilkov, studying modern music at the local art university.

The moment he found the card, he looked for the school's address and got on the train without much thinking. He would just return the card and go on with his day, however the moment he set foot in the building, he never wanted to leave again. It was the end of august and the school was hosting an open day. He walked around the halls, too distracted to be phased by his original reason of coming here.

All that mattered to him were people dressed in some sort of funky way, classrooms full of paint supplies, chill music playing somewhere on the upper floor. Victor knew that it's what he was yearning for, the freedom that blasted through the school's lively halls. He needed it too.

As he finished walking around the halls of the second floor, Victor was ready to finally see the music rooms, when he overheard two students mentioning a name that rang a bell in his head. Boris... who is that?

He reached into his pants' pocket to take out the card. Ah right. He only had to bring this back. There is no way he would be allowed to try to inscribe himself for this, he shouldn't be even thinking of it.

'The people say Vilkov is almost never coming to the courses, so I didn't think I was supposed to put him on the list...' A pretty girl was walking out of a classroom next to a boy. They both wore some sort of punk clothing, in their hands they were carrying some boxes filled with office supplies. Victor assumed they were classmates.

'He is a student here, which means he is supposed to be here helping with the open day! Now all the work falls on us' He sighed brushing his fingers through his bleached hair. 

'Does anyone even know what the guy looks like?' The girl thought out loud as they walked off. And that's when it hit him. A boy no one has ever seen before, who never shows up at school, losing his student ID. Victor was desperate to go for his dreams, to fight for them again. It was tempting, but he knew that life isn't so pretty.

He took a seat on the staircase, as realized he needs to stop daydreaming about making music and just give the card back. He sighed as he reached for the railing, pulling himself up. He walked through the hall where the lockers where located, when he noticed someone standing by one  of them. 

A boy was looking desperately through his bag that was nearly falling off his shoulder. He was quite pale, pretty short. His baggy pants and a sweater were hiding his body. He finally gave up his search and slammed his fist against the locker. He then suddenly looked over, noticing Victor just standing there awkwardly. 'Ah, sorry... I can't find my key' The boy called out to him, awkwardly brushing his copper hair out of his face.  He then fixed his bag and walked off. 

'Who even was that guy?'  Victor thought to himself as he walked over to the locker after he made sure the weird boy was gone. The lockers had names engraved on it. 'Vilkov', huh? Unlike any other locker he has seen at this school, this one was quite empty, undecorated. 'This dude really is gone somewhere, huh? Didn't even bother to hang up a picture or something' He sighed. 

That day Victor didn't go to his own school's. open day as planned, instead he spent the whole day walking around the art university. 'Shoot, I saw the guy and didn't return his card!' He frowned as he was walking down the street. He decided to go on a walk in a nearby park. Connecting with the nature was something that always calmed him down, and since he failed to do what he came here for, he really needed some rest.

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