" Hey, guys," Kyle said reentering the group with a smile.

" Hey, you're okay right," Stan said looking at him.

" Yea we're fine Khal was just acting like a jew fag, we're alright." Cartman budded into the conversation.

" I wasn't asking you, fat boy, anyway we were saying-."

Then a loud bell went off starting the school day, each went to their respective classes. First was math. He sat down at one of his desks and grabbed his notebooks, as he was doing that he noticed his friend Craig in a row in front of him.

If you didn't know Craig and Tweek were one of the most well-known gay kids in school. Other than their charisma and relationship goals, south park kinda forced it on them. Little did they at the time  know they'd become very happy, now being one openly gay couple that weren't afraid.

Craig was writing down notes in front of him, but Kyle got a great Idea. He wrote down a note saying ' meet me at the gym after this."He then crumbled up the paper and threw it at him, it then hitting his head. Of course, Craig was mad about this thing crashing onto his head, but then he opened it. He looked back at him confused but he was gonna come.

The rest of the time he spent there all he could think of was Eric. Usually, when he thought of him, he only thought of what an asshole he is, but this time it was different. What he thought wasn't good nor bad of him, but just him. He got it out of his head and started with his math again.

As this was going on, Cartman was planning his plan. Even though he was chosen to be Kyle's little boyfriend, he was gonna make every bit of it horrible. His game has upped a notch and he liked that. He was going to call him whatever he wanted for three months and he can't do anything about it. His whole period was thinking of what to call him, but then he thought of something, to be nice for once, hell nah he was gonna be an ass.

After that period Craig and Kyle met at the gym, it was nice because it was their next period anyway.

" Hey, Kyle haven't spoken in a while what's up."

" Well uhh hmm how do I say this, so how do I be gayer?" He asked

" What does that even fucking mean, are you even gay?." Craig counter asked.

" I don't think I'm gay, but also I mean like how do you treat Tweek y'know."

" I treat him with love and compassion, see gay doesn't equate to blue hair and saying yass queen. Gay is just a form of love, that we share, there's no way to act gay. If you want to act in love you can't do that you either are or you aren't. But why do you ask.' He said after finishing his speech.

" Okay so I got into a bet where I have to, I hate saying this but date Cartman."

" How the hell did you get into that situation?"

" I don't know myself he just gave me a bet and I lost. I read it yesterday, so now I have to date him."

" So you want to act in love, for Cartman, like literally the worst date you could ever have."

" Yes, I mean kinda. It's complicated."

" Well you can't truly act in love but you surely can try, It will suck but I can teach you the ways, of the gays."

Throughout the week It had just been Kyle trying to act "In Love" Around Cartman. Holding hands, walking together. Of course, this would lead to fights with each other. It was strange though, at least one day they'd have a weird moment together that wasn't fake. Maybe staring at each other or holding hands a bit too long. Kyle slightly enjoyed these moments, it was a happy feeling kinda so he did like it. He didn't know what caused these but he didn't like how they always happened around Cartman and stopped when he left. Kyle just thought Craig's teachings were working.

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