"Go ahead, take it. I'll go start dinner." Lauren gave Liam one last kiss and disappeared into the kitchen. Liam answered the phone.

"Hello?" Said Liam. His head was still spinning and his voice came out hoarse.
"Hey Liam." Said Claude enthusiastically.
"Hey buddy, what's up?" Liam tried to sound upbeat.

"I was wondering, could you watch Zephyr this Friday? Ica and I have dinner plans with Jayne and Ray."

This Friday...I just agreed to meet with Helen. Liam thought to himself. He didn't answer Claude at first.

"Liam? You there?" Asked Claude. "Liam did I lose you?" Liam shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"No, I'm here. But I can't do it. Watch Zephyr, that is. I'm so sorry." Liam hated not being able to help his best friend out.

"Oh, it's okay, well no worries. Do you think Nessie would mind. Him and Maverick could have a sleepover over." Said Claude hopeful. Liam couldn't seem to focus. "Liam?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! My sister, sure let me ask her. And I'll let you know." Said Liam willing his brain to stop swirling around in his skull.

"Liam. Are you alright? You seem off. I know when something is bothering you." Said Claude, his voice turning serous and concerned. Liam sighed.

"You see, I got this letter in the mail today and...
"And what?" Probed Claude.
"And it was from my birth mother." Claude took a couple seconds before responding.
"Your birth mother as in the one who was abusive to you and your father?"
"Yeah, her."

"I see." Said Claude slowly. "So what did it say? Er, well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! He added quickly. "I'm sorry for prying." Liam smiled to himself.

"Claude, buddy. You're my best friend. I can tell you anything."
"That means a lot Liam." Said Claude smiling on the other end of the line.

"Anyway, in the letter she basically said that she wanted to talk to me, and ask if I could meet her this Friday and Armtree Park and I said yes. That's why I can't watch Zephyr for you. Claude, I'm scared...or nervous...oh I don't know how to fee! It sounds like she wants to make amends."

"How do you feel about that?" Asked Claude.

"I mean, I want to. Or...I think I just want answers. To know why she did what she did. I even...want to try to forgive her. I was telling Lauren that Jehovah is hugely forgiving. I want to be the same way." Explained Liam. Claude huffed a little laugh.

"Liam, are that way. You are the most forgiving person I know. I of all people can attest to that." Liam chortled at this.

"But you weren't quite as bad as she was."
"Oh I beg to differ. I was pretty bad in my younger days." Claude chuckled.

"Stop it you goof." Said Liam humorously. He was silent for a couple of moments. "Hey Claude, do you think meeting up with her is a good idea? I mean I could tell her I'm not comfortable. Hey, and then I could watch Zeph-

Claude gently cut him off. "Liam...I think deep down inside you really want to forgive her. You don't have to feel ashamed of that. You owe to yourself to at least get some peace. Why don't you pray about it. Then make your decision. And, whatever you decide, I will support you." Liam felt a burst of affection for his former bible student.

"Thanks buddy. I'll pray on it for sure. And thank you for being such an awesome best friend. What would I do without you?"

"You'd probably just have another best friend. A much younger one." Claude joked.
"Oh...I don't think so. Jehovah worked it out for us to be best friends old man."
"Haha, we'll guess that is true. But, I'll let you go."
"Okay, by buddy."
"By Liam."

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