"Don't worry son, you will get your story, like we do every night." Burlio sits down on the bed and Clement clambers into his lap. Claude stretches out propping his head up with his hands. "So boys, this is the story of Jirdy Weaver. He slides the ocean to find and help those who couldn't help themselves."

"So..he was like a hero?" Clement says his blue eyes full of wonder. Burlio chuckles and ruffles his son's light brown hair.
"You could say that. So ready to hear it?"
"Yes!" Says Clement enthusiastically.

As Burlio finishes the last of the story Clement has fallen fast asleep, but Claude is still awake. Claude chuckles softly. Burlio tucks Clement snug under his blankets and gently kisses him on his forehead.

"It's funny papa, Clement always wants you to read a story but then he falls asleep."
"Well you know how your little brother is."
"Yeah, that I do."

Burlio looks up to see his wife standing in the door way.
"Hello dear, what brings you here?" Says Burlio sarcastically. She gives him a squinty look.

"Oh just what I do every night. Tuck our boys into bed." She says a hint of a tease in her voice. Ethelinda strides in and as her husband did, kisses her son on his forehead. Claude then climbs in his own bed and positions himself under his blankets. Both his parents come kiss him good night and exit the room. Not long after Claude is too fast asleep.


The next day Claude and his brother are up early. Today is a special day. The Frollos have decided to treat their children to a day at the country fair. There will be rides, food, and games. As soon as the boys are dressed the hurry downstairs.

"We're ready!" They both say in unison.,
"Didn't you boys forget something?" Says Ethelinda putting her hands on her hips.
"Ummm..Claude what did we forget?" Says Clement turning to his brother.
"I don't kno-𝒐𝒉." Says Claude with realisation in his voice. "We forgot to feed Jet."
"Oh yeah." Said Clement.
"Now before we leave, I'm sure Jet would appreciate having breakfast." Said their mother.

Both Claude and Clement race around grabbing arm fills of hay and buckets of water. They hurry toward the barn plops the hay and water into Jet's trough and pat him goodbye. When they are finish they meet their parents at the front of the cottage and once again in unison say, "𝑵𝒐𝒘 we're ready!"

When they arrive at the fair Clemente blue eyes are wide with awe.
"This is so cool! Where do we begin?!"
"Let's ride 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕!‟ Claude points at a fair ride with a bunch of swings hanging from it.
"Yeah let's go!" As they take off in a run the heat their mother's voice.
"Boys!" Both of them halt and look back over their shoulders. "Restez ensemble et soyez prudent!" She calls to them in French.
"Okay maman!" They call back.
"And Claude, look out for your younger brother!"
"Yes mother! I will!"

Ethelinda turns to her husband with an amused look on her face.
"Those boys have so much energy!"
"You can say that again." Replies Burlio.

When Claude and Clement reach the swings ride, both of them find a swing close to each other.
"This is going to be so fun!" Says Clement craning his head around to look at his brother.
"Just hold on tight okay?"
"Don't worry Claude, I'll be fine."

Soon the ride makes a jolt and behind to spins, gradually picking up speed. After two full rotations, the riders are hoisted several feet up into the hair and the ride picks up speed even still.

"Wooohoooo!" Claude can hear his brother shouting with his arms outstretched. His light brown hair flys back in the wind. "I'm flying! Weeee!" Claude laughs out loud and joins in his brother's shrieks of fun.

Once the ride comes to an end and lovers back to the ground. Both boys get un buckle their safety belts and hop out of the swing. They are a bit wobbly on their feet due to the constant spinning. Clement proceeds to fall over but his brother quickly catches him before he hits the ground. They both laugh as the regain their balance.

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