"See you can't just reboot q franchise out of no where fans hate it, like black Christmas and childsplay. You can't just do a straight sequel either you have to make a requal!"

Tatum stood up to get some energy out, "you have to make something new, not too new of the internet goes fucking nuts, it has to be part of an ongoing story line with new and legacy characters fans love."

"Think about the knew Halloween, Jurassic park, fuck even star Wars,it always, always goes back to the original!"

"Are you telling me I'm caught in fan fucking fiction?" Sam angrily asked the younger girl, "not just in the middle, you're the star."

"Sorry im getting this wrong but according to requal rules, who's next?" Liv thought aloud, "well according to the pattern, whoever it is has to be connected to someone before."

Mindy looked at her brother and Tatum.
"I'm starting to regret coming here" Dewey stated, "Jesus my mom was a character in one of them!" Wes got all worried, "no one cares about the shitty sequels Wes, but you and me Chad being related to Randy are screwed."

Chad put his arms up, "what?"
"And Tate," "yo?" The Raven hairs girl responded, "you're connected to your mom, and your dad, not to mention your in one of the movies!"

"Shut up Mindy, you don't even have proffered for any of this, just because my parents were involved with all the murders doesn't mean I'm gonna die."

"Or your the killer and the and this is whole elaborate monologue is to make you not look suspicious."
Richie confused, "I'm pretty sure it's clear who the killer is."

Midny looked at Sam, "it makes perfect requal sense."
"I have to agree with that" Tatum added, "Tate you just said she had no proof!" Sam was becoming more and more annoyed, "yeah for me dying because my mom wrote a few books, but in this situation the timing is pretty convenient...ill stop talking now"

"Fuck this" Sam got up and charged out the door, Richie followong suite.

"Dam, maybe we fucked up."

Tatum was finishing up with work, she worked at the local comic store was currently making a display for the newest DC rebirth comics.

She heard the door ring but didn't bother turning around, it was about time for one of her regulars to get their next issue.

"Tate!" She did turn around for that voice though.
"Mom!" She ran up and hugged her mother tightly, "Mom what are you doing here?" She asked beaming with happiness.

"Well your father texted me that the killer was back, a text God dammit!" Gale laughed, "god you need to stop getting older, your as tall as me now."

"Mommmm" she laughed, people would think Gale weather's was a bad mom but in fact she was the opposite, she loved her daughter more than anything.

"Have you seen dad yet?", "oh Tate you know I haven't, you were my first stop."

Tatum smiled, "um I'll catch up later but my boss will yell at me if I don't finish this display, she wants me off work an hour early because of the killings."

Gale said goodbye and the two decided they would get coffee later.

Tatum started closing up the store a while later and popped her head in her bosses office.
"Hey Robin? I'm heading out, stay safe!"

She walked to her car in the large parking lot but her phone started ringing before she got in, "hello?" She answers.

"Hello, Tatum" a deep voice she recognized replied, she never got a call in 2011 but she did hear when her dad was called.

"Who is this?" Her voice raised, "an old family friend."

She checked her car and grabbed the knife her dad made her take with her to work.
"If you kill me my girlfriend will rip your eyes out, not joking she gets very upset."

The voice laughed, "I saw mommy dearest, you looked very happy, too bad if she never gets to see her child again."

"Fuck you I'm calling the cops!"
She yelled into her phone, "no you're not bitch!"

A masked ghost face jumped out behind  behind a car and jumped her, "fuck!" Tatum recorded but it was too late, the knife slashed her arm and blood fell down.

She drew her own knife and tried to stab the killers side, the killer was shorter than her and dodged.

The fear made Tatum freeze up for a second, ghostface pushed Tatum into her car and plunged their knife into her side.

"AHHHHH!" It felt like fire burning tink her side, even after the knife was taken out.

"Fuck you!" Ghostface grabbed the girls shoulders and threw her forcefully into the concrete ground.

"Goodbye Tate" Tatum kicked ghostface in the chest and as they gathered their balance.
She grabbed her phone and opened her tracker app, it was made so if she pressed a button an alarm would go off on her dads phone and vice versa.

She pressed the button just in time until she was yet again shoved into the ground.

They plunged the knife down but Tatum grabbed their hands, she struggled to keep the blade above her chest, she didn't even realize tears were falling down her face.

"AHHHHH" the knife swerved and hit her shoulder, her attacker retracted the knife, stabbing it into her side once again.

Red spread on her shirt fast, the adrenaline was fading and she could feel her eyes closing, she hit her dead pretty hard on the ground.

Sirens could be heard from far off, the alarm worked.

Ghostface looked up rapidly, they looked down at the semi conscious girl bellow them, they got up and kicked Tatums stab wound.

"Ah!" She curled up and layed back into the ground, she placed her hand on the wound and saw the blood, so much blood...

Sorry for not updating for a few days, I'm heading back to school tomorrow but I'll try to add a parents pov for Tates attack.


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