Part 2 "The enjoyment"

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As soon as we reached the seaside, we took a boat going through the Nile River and reached Egypt. The problem was my grandmother lived in the west meaning. we would have to walk all the way through the country.

I can say , that it took days to reach a village, city or witness of any human life out in the desert. We then spotted something...a village.
The village looked rather abandoned with a sign at the front "The City Of Lyonel".
Of course,I had never heard this name, but I was surprised that even my papents hadn't.
And so we opened the rusty and heavy gate...

The first thing we say was a tiny, little pond. Surrounded by bear traps. Weird...Right?

I reckoned it was more of a symbol not to enter.
We then saw a flock of crows flying north. My parents and I simply decided to ignore it and attempted to enter a nearby shack.
My father busted down the door, only to have a clear view of multiple gang members. My mother and I stepped back, unlike my father who was ready to take them down one by one.
Eventually, the hooligans caught my him and dragged him away.
After some time, my mother and I snuck into the old shack and looked at five dead bodies. Last time we saw them, the mafia consisted of six members.
That had to mean something...

As we were looking for my father, the sixth member passed by us and attempted to strike at us.
I eventually took him down and walked slowly towards a basement-looking door, whilst feeling lightheaded and tired.
I opened the door with a bit of a struggle and saw my father. My father, meaning his body.

He had a rope tied to his neck and saw burnt and skinned alive.
I started screaming from horror, breaking out in tears and losing my breath control, and so did my Mother.
I shortly after started bashing my head into the basement's walls being mad with myself.
I felt so, so alone...

My mother and I later went back on the road with the hopes to reach my grandmother in time.
We once again entered the dry desert. My mother laid down on the endless pile of sand, looking and mostly likely feeling dehydrated. She stayed paralyzed. I checked her pulse, and well there was nothing.

I just stopped there. I laid next to her body, grabbed her hand and held it terribly tightly.
I then had no choice, but to cover her body up with the sand surrounding us. After that, and mourning her death, I continued the journey. For For my parents. For my dear and loving parents.

After a while I reached my grandma. I entered
the hospital and immediately went to reception to ask about my grandmother's situation and was told the patient, Lana Southpark: my grandmother-had passed.
I couldn't explain how many emotions I was feeling eventually numbness overcame these strong feelings as I stayed in the hospital.
I was so done with everything that I climbed on top of the institution and thought to myself, I had nothing to live for. It was my only way out. So then... I jumped.

I'm currently writing this from the "comfort" of my hospital bed.
And honestly, I don't want to be here.

Egypt's tragedyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz