Part 1 "The start of it all"

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It all started when was born. My parents hove always loved holidaying but I never enjoyed
enjoyed it. I was born in Australia, but shortly after my birth, my parents decided move to the one and only-Big Apple!

a was never really , a social person. I found
it enjoyable to to stay at home doing nothing. Meanwhile, my parents couldn't take a break from adventures- which I absolutely hated. They would always try to convince me to join them, but I constantly refused.

One day, my parents knocked on my door and came in. Sobbing, in tears; I started questioning their emotions, but for some
reason...they were silent. My father harshly grabbed my hand and dragged me to our car outside
We all sat inside and my father started driving.

My mom finally said something; Something that made my heart sink. My grandma...
She had been rushed to the hospital for a very
serious surgery.
When I said I hated going on adventures with
parents, I hated this one even more.
The problem was, my grandma lived in Egypt. So it would be a long, long journey.

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