Great. Fucking great.

She sighs, pressing her eyes closed. "I can’t. Mom, everyone at work is on vacation, I already have to cover for like, three people. I can’t just—"

"Oh, of course. I should’ve thought of that… I’ll explain it to them. I'm sure they’ll understand."

She’s being understanding yet Y/n still feels like crap because she knows it sounds like she’s making up excuses. She knows that’s what they think too; always finding excuses to get out of situations she doesn’t want to be in.

"I’m sorry mom. If I’d known earlier I could’ve arranged something."

"It's fine Y/n/n. Don't be sorry." She's smiling again. "Ah, I just miss my baby. Can you please just come visit as soon as possible? I'll make you your favorite food, I promise."

Y/n smiles but her eyes are stinging. "I’ll try."

"Okay. I won’t keep you busy anymore now. Have fun with your friends tonight, okay?"


"And please be careful. Your dad says hi too."

"Say hi to him too." Y/n presses out, knowing very well that her dad didn't say that.

"I will. Bye Sweetheart. I love you."

There's the same old pause, her mother waiting for her to say it back and Y/n tries, but it's like her brain doesn't even know how to make Y/n's tongue spell those words.

"Bye mom."

The line goes dead and Y/n throws her phone on the couch with a sigh.

If she didn’t feel like going out before, she sure as hell doesn’t feel like it after that call.


Y/n decides to dress up the way she feels; black from head to toe. Well, minus the toes, because she’s wearing white sneakers. And also the button up shirt because that one has small white patterns on it.

Lisa’s going to lecture her about how she needs to stop dressing like she’s going to a funeral again but Y/n doesn’t care. She isn’t trying to impress anyone and after talking to her mom she really doesn’t feel like having any awkward conversations tonight so maybe it’ll make people back off.

To her dismay, Lisa whistles in approval after giving her a once over when Y/n climbs into her car later that night. "Looking good!"

Y/n groans. "Are you serious?"

"What?" Lisa blinks at her innocently. "Were you hoping for a different reaction?"

She just grunts in response and buckles her seatbelt up when Lisa starts driving.

"Is everything alright?" Lisa asks a minute into the drive when Y/n hasn't spoken a word.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem a bit off." Her best friend says. "Did you talk to your parents?"

It's almost scary how well Lisa knows her but after so many years of a friendship like theirs, it shouldn't be so surprising. "It's nothing. Just... same old stuff."

"I see. I’m sorry Y/n. I’m here if you want to talk." She pats Y/n’s shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly.

"No, it’s fine. Thank you though."

"Let’s just have fun tonight, okay?"

Y/n gives her friend a smile and nods. She’s really thankful to have Lisa, and maybe this is a perfect moment to let her best friend know how much she appreciates her, but as always Y/n’s lips stay shut and she hates herself a little bit more for it.

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