Sana shakes her head. “No! You just— you looked so confused. Ugh, Y/n. I didn’t think that, okay? Your glasses are great.”

Their hands are only Inches apart on the comforter, knuckles almost grazing. Okay, but, what is happening? Y/n frowns at the girl beside her, the eye contact too intimate all of a sudden. “Is this a dare?”

“What?” Sana makes a disapproving sound. “What are you talking about?”

“I don’t know.” Y/n shrugs. “You’re telling me you were hitting on me— what am I supposed to think?”

“Just that.” Sana looks almost frustrated now. “Why do you think I have some kind of agenda?”

Y/n doesn’t answer, because she has no answer to that and they stay silent for a while, Y/n trying to wrap her mind around the fact that maybe – just maybe – a human being might actually have interest in her.

“Are you into girls?”

“I don’t think so,” Sana answers, sounding like the question caught her slightly off guard. “I don’t really care if someone’s a girl or a boy.”

“So you’re what…?”

“I don’t know. I’m Sana.”

“You’re weird.”

“You already said that.” Sana starts grinning again and something really strange happens; Y/n’s chest starts feeling tight, the heart underneath fluttering when she notices how Sana’s eyes almost disappear when she smiles.

And her teeth. Y/n herself has pretty nice teeth, straight and all. Sana’s aren’t perfect but they’re just… they’re really cute? They’re cute. Oh man.

“I just…” Y/n starts. “I just really like your teeth.”

Sana doesn’t even look taken aback at the statement. “Well, I mean. That’s a start, right?”

They both stare at each other for longer than Y/n deems appropriate, and she’s not sure if she should say something but Sana beats her to it anyway.

“Can I hold your hand?”

Y/n stops breathing for a moment. All she can think is that she’s drunk, and that she’s lying in a bed with a stranger.

A good-looking, popular kind of girl-stranger.

And the first thing she wants to do when Sana asks her this question no one has ever asked Y/n before is to open her mouth and ask why?

But she turns her head and looks Sana in the eyes, feeling slightly breathless because really, it’s not just her teeth Y/n feels drawn to.

“You want to hold my hand?”

Sana nods her head, a shy smile on her face. “Can I?”

“Uhm. Yeah. Suit yourself.”

Once she said that, Sana’s tongue peeks out to run over her lips once, her eyes flickering over Y/n’s face as if to check if Y/n’s being serious. And then Y/n feels gentle fingers slip between her own.

Sana presses their palms together tightly and Y/n feels this excited kind of sick feeling in her stomach. Like hundreds of little bubbles are exploding inside of her. Either that or she’s about to throw up.

But her heart is pounding hard against her ribs, because she hasn’t ever held anyone’s hand like this.

It feels nice.

She takes another calming breath, and then Y/n curls her fingers to hold on to Sana’s warm hand.

Sana doesn’t really move, but after a moment of hesitation, she starts rubbing her thumb over Y/n’s knuckles and Y/n feels her skin prickle all the way up to her elbow.

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