“I’m kind of busy.”

“Busy?” The girl scrunches her eyebrows up, looking between Sana and Y/n. “With what? Her?”

It could’ve easily been an insult, because it sure as hell sounded like one. The way the girl is looking at Y/n definitely speaks for itself.

Y/n gulps and quietly stands up. She doesn’t speak another word as she pushes past Sana’s friend, carefully climbing back inside.

“You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?” She hears Sana say but she doesn’t stop to listen any further.


Y/n walks into the kitchen and refills her cup with whatever liquor that’s still around. It tastes awful and makes her want to puke on the spot but she doesn’t really care anymore.

There are even more people around now and she has to push her way through them to get to the couch where she last saw Jeongyeon. Some of them give Y/n annoyed glares and one girl laughs when she bumps into Y/n and nearly makes her glasses slip from her face.

Jeongyeon is not sitting on the couch anymore, but Dahyun is, chatting to a girl but she immediately waves Y/n over when she spots her. Y/n shakes her head, not wanting to interrupt them but Dahyun just stands up and grips her wrist.

“Y/n, where have you been? Jeongyeon just went to look for you.”

“I was getting some fresh air.”

“Oh. Okay. Are you fine?” Dahyun tilts her head.

“Yeah, of course.” She gives the younger a smile, turning her head trying to spot Chaeyoung in the mass of people.

“Are you looking for Chaeyoung?” Dahyun asks. “She just went to the bathroom. She didn’t drink anything, don’t worry.”

“Thanks for looking out for her.” Y/n gives Dahyun another smile but it must be a sad one because Dahyun’s face falls a bit. She reaches out and squeezes Y/n’s shoulder.

“Y/n, Chaeyoung isn’t mad at you. You know how sensitive she is. She’ll come around.”

Y/n gives Dahyun one last thankful smile, reaching out to pat the girl’s shoulder. “Don’t drink too much.”

“I won’t.” Dahyun smiles brightly at her and Y/n gives her a push.

“It’s not nice to keep ladies waiting, you know.” She tilts her head towards the pretty girl on the couch who gives Y/n a shy smile when their eyes meet.

Dahyun laughs, rolling her eyes. “Sorry, I forgot you were the dating expert here.”

Y/n is about to hit her upside the head but Dahyun ducks away, cackling loudly as she walks back to the couch to join the girl. Y/n smiles a bit and turns around, deciding to try and find Jeongyeon.

It doesn’t take too long, because she finds Jeongyeon in front of the TV, playing karaoke with a few other people. She’s singing so loudly she’s almost overpowering the music blasting through the entire apartment. Y/n snorts. Jeongyeon has the attention span of a goldfish. She probably got distracted on her way to find Y/n.

“Y/n!” Someone throws an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into their body and when Y/n turns to glare at them she sees that it’s her very drunk best friend. Lisa’s face is flushed but she looks so extremely happy that Y/n doesn’t even have it in her to tell her off for already being this drunk. “I missed you. Thought you went home. Don’t go home.”

“Why are you already so drunk?”

“I’m not drunk.” Lisa leans closer to whisper into her ear, Y/n hunching her shoulders up because she’s too sensitive around her ears and neck. “I’m. In. Love.”

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