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Kazuhas pov:

I was honestly confused
I don't know what is happening
Scaramouche told me he liked me i like him to but what about heizou i really love heizou but then there is scara who was with me when heizou didn't have time

I needed time for myself so i went to the forest and sat down on an old fallen down tree laying around

I watched the birds flying around and making sounds

It was peaceful

I stayed there for about an hour until i saw heizou coming up to me

"Heizou why are you here ?"  -K

"Love i missed you i couldn't text you because you blocked me and i was worried so i figured that you where somewhere private and i searched abd now i found you" -H

"Leave" -K

"why, do you know how long it took for me to find you" -H

"I said leave i blocked you because i needed time with all that what is happening with scara you and me i don't want to talk to any of you at the moment" -K

"Kazuha Love did he tell you anything" -H

"He said that he liked me in a romantic way" -K

"Oh, fine ill leave you alone for now" -H


He left

I was alone like i was before he came i liked being alone but ive seen him again and now my heart is racing i know i love him but now i have this lonely feeling that i really hate

I was so worn out i honestly just started crying from all the drama going on in my life, i like my life peacefully and this is definitely not it

Heizou's Pov:

I was hurt now i know that scaramouche really loves kazuha

I fucking hated that man

I went home and started crying like why couldn't he just leave kazuha alone he was MINE and MINE ALONE

I soon fell asleep from being just so exhausted from trying to search up kazuha just for me to be told to leave

When i woke up in the morning my eyes where puffy, red and slightly swollen, i went and showed in the shower, brushed my teeth, made my hair and put on some clothes

After that i made myself some breakfast and went to work

Kazuha's Pov:

After i was done crying i went home just to find scara sitting on my porch

"Hey are you ok?" Scara asked getting up

"Go away i dont wanna talk to anyone, why are you here i specifically asked to be alone" -K

"I was lonely, so i went here got a problem ?" -S

"Yes i wanna be alone LEAVE" -K

"Hey, im gonna stay your not ok because you definitely don't look like your okay" -S

"... Ok" i guess my red eyes didn't go away that fast do i look okay i don't know

We went inside and i cooked something because i haven't eaten in some hours

I cooked my favorite

We ate and then sat down on the sofa together sitting together under my favourite blanket

"Why were you crying earlier?" scara asked

"I- idk i was just sad and and-" i honestly didn't have anything to say to this man i was just lost

"And ??" -S

"Idk it's just so complicated with you and heizou im just confused because i love him but also you but i can't tell him that because you guys hate each other wich is so clearly" -K

"Oh, i didn't know im sorry but you love me back huh thats nice to know" -S

I just now noticed what i said wich is kinda embarrassing

"Oh i- i mean yes but no idk just confused" -K

"Yes, i think i love you Scaramouche" wich is honestly true my heart races whenever he's near me or just thinking about him makes me kinda blush?

He suddenly leans in to me and is on top on me wich he has definitely never done before

He started kissing me
i was shocked but deepend the kiss his lips were so soft! even softer than heizous

"sorry-" Scara said

"Don't be okay,i liked it but what about heizou im still in a relationship with him?"

"Leave him you don't need him, you can have me and i mean all of me" -S

"I need him you just dont understand it, its like i can't function" -K

"Oh, i guess you could cheat for a while.." -S

"I guess its the only thing we can do ..." -K

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