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LILLY AND DEBRA STAND BY LILLY'S LOCKER DURING PASSING PERIOD, they were catching each other up on the classes they didn't have each other in. lilly was grabbing extra books just in case her english teacher, mr symes, wanted to challenge her in something like he would always do every wednesday.

lilly's head was deep into her locker, debra leaning against the next one while telling her stories about her crazy history class that was always out of control. lilly didn't mind the talking but it just got really annoying that she pretended to look for something to hear less of it.

ponyboy, two-bit, and johnny were walking down the same hallway when ponyboy saw debra standing next to lilly. he was excited because he was planning on asking lilly out to somewhere, although his friends don't know that, not even johnny.

"lilly!" ponyboy shouts.

lilly accidentally bangs the side of her head against her locker, ponyboy's teeth gritted in guilt.

"nice one, now ya got birds twirling around your head!" two-bit jokes, she glared at him. "don't jump me, i got a family."

"anyways, i was wondering if you'd like to catch a movie with me next friday night." ponyboy asked lilly.

"why not this friday?" lilly smiled.

"i got something to do with my pal, dally winston." ponyboy replies in disappointment.

lilly nodded, "okay well i guess i'll see you next friday at the drive in."

"just meet me there, okay?"

"got it!" ponyboy grinned before walking off with his friends.

lilly shuts her locker as debra walks with her to chemistry, the only class they had together now that debra switched most of her classes to have the same lunch as lilly. debra stopped talking about the chaos going on in her class and just stared at lilly.

"what?" lilly blushed.

"you're going out with ponyboy curtis!" debra shrieked, "call me cupid because i'm saving single people."

lilly rolled her eyes, "you're coming with me for moral support."

"brian ain't gonna like it." debra mumbled.


"brian ain't gonna like it." debra repeated, "you don't know who pony's gonna bring and if brian finds out i've been out with them he's gonna hang me on a tree."

"don't worry about it, he ain't gonna find out." lilly reassured her.

"okay but i'm taking you with me if he does." debra joked.

they enter their chemistry class, finding their table where they always sit along with two soc boys, greg and lincoln. they were really nice guys, never bothering any greasers, always studying and minding their own business. lilly always tried to find an opportunity to talk to them but they would just make it small talk before ignoring her again.

DEBRA STAYED OVER AT MY PLACE SINCE MY FOLKS WERE GONE FLR THE WEEKEND, dad had a convention down in the city, he didn't want to drive back and forth so it was basically a vacation for mom. debra asked to sleepover at my place because she felt really bored at home even though her parents hosted a game night at their house for the neighborhood.

i sat by my desk painting my nails red, debra wanted to try out the new hair rollers i got from the mall. she was just going through my magazines while talking about her horrible date with brian.

"he told me he wouldn't be home for my birthday, that's in two weeks!" debra complained.

"debby, forget him, your friends specifically me," i muttered, "will be there."

"but i want brian to be there!" she wailed before shutting her face away into her arms.

i placed the brush back into the bottle, "wait so why isn't brian going to be here?"

"i don't know," debra closed her eyes and tried to remember, "oh! he's going somewhere with his parents, pennsylvania i think."

"to me it sounds like a lie, as if he was gonna leave to see some girl." i assumed.

debra's jaw dropped as soon as i said that, "why would you say that?!"

"debby, if you really think about it, he's been ignoring your calls and has the same excuse for every time he can't hangout," i explained, "oh i'm busy" "boys need me today" it's not rocket science, you just need to put two and two together."

"oh my god!" debra shrieked and cried into my pillow, "he's actually cheating on me!"

i tried to get up but i noticed my nails were ruined by my desk. i ignored it to attend to debra who couldn't stop crying, she was so in love with him that it turned her blind to see his true colors.

"debby, i didn't mean to make you this upset." i said.

"it ain't your fault, lil, it's that douchebag's fault!" she whined.

i sat next to her on my bed, hugging her with my fingertips stretched out, she'd kill me if i got any nail polish on her pajamas. debra constantly called herself names that she thought brian saw her as, i tried to tell her that wasn't true but it's hard to convince debra about the positive things.

debra stopped crying and wiped her tears, "i'm so sorry by the way."

"no it's totally okay, i see this everyday so..." i joked, she hit me with a pillow.

"gosh, you've been so happy lately ever since ponyboy asked you out the other day." debra sniffled.

"i don't know, debby." i shrugged, "i'm not sure if i like him now."

"aha! you're considering it now!" debra pointed at me.

"okay okay, i might like him." i surrendered.

"but it's not like i'm in love with him."

maybe i was starting to become crazy about ponyboy, i just only thought of the possibilities of him thinking i'm so total geek for reading all the time. i'm not the type of soc to go out and pick on people though, i hope he sees that.


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