First big arugment

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Odell POV
So when we got home after the appointment Ky'lee went in the house and got her keys and left. I don't know where she went but I am very worried. On top of that she hasn't said anything since we arrive at the hospital. So right now I am pissed.

So Ky'lee just doesn't know install the track your bae app ( I got that from another book) I saw she was on the other side of town. So I decide to make a visit over there.

Ky'lee POV
"you take care Mr.Jones" I say walking to the car.

When I get to my car I see somebody I have been dreading talking too all day.


"Odell baby what are you doing here"

" I should ask you the same thing"

" Oh I was just doing business"

"You what just get in the car"

" But"

" I swear Ky'lee of you for get yo ass in the car you going to be in big trouble when we get home"

Since he aid I got my ass in the car. Riding home we didn't say anything to each other till we go home.

Once we got up in the bedroom Odell said " So would you like to explain why you just took off without telling me where you were going"

" I went to handle business that is all I did. I don't know why you trying to be my daddy cuz you ain't. So you might as well let that one go"

" You right since I ain't yo daddy what am why am I even talking bout this" he says walking out the room down the stairs.

" Odell where you" I don't get to finish my sentence before he slams the door in my face.


I just got to bed that night wondering if Odell was okay. I just pray that he is okay .


I wake up to hear the shower running I am guessing Odell came back early this morning. So I decide to use the other bathroom to do my hygiene.

When I come out I went and started to make breakfast. Then Odell enter the room.

" So where did you go last"

" Why does it matter to you. You ain't my mama" he says dryly.

I just I deserved that I will just try again.

" So are you hungry "

" Nawl I 'm good"

" Odell we need to talk" I say turning the stove and going to sit beside him.

" About what you said everything you need to say last night. "

"Baby you never let me explain where will was you just start acting like my daddy. When your aren't"

" I may not be your daddy but I am the father to that child that is in your stomach. So that means I need to every where you go to know that it is safe for you and my child. But it seems like to you I'm not the father"

"Baby I am so sorry I didn't mean what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to give you the silent. I didn't mean no to Thank you yesterday about going off on that nurse. I didn't mean to leave with out telling you where I was going. I didn't mean to say what I said last I am sorry do you forgive me"

" Yea I accept your apology but that doesn't mean I will do it again"

"Ik you want baby but where did you go last night after you left here"i say hoping he doesn't say he went and cheated or went to the strip club.

" Baby I went Jarvis house for a couple hours then I came back her and slept in the guest room"

" With you saying that when am I going to meet your friend baby"

" How about today"

"Oh that would be great" I say getting up going to go fix our plates.

" Baby why did you go to that building yesterday."

I knew this question was going to come.

" Well u see Iwastheretobuythebuildingsoicouldopenupmyownboutique

"Ky'lee say it slower"

"I was there to buy the building so I could open up my own boutique for T-raw productions"I say.

" That's great baby but why did you hide that from me"

" I didn't want you to give me any money I wanted to buy it on my own."

" Well baby all you had to do was tell me that and I would have understood than you sneaking around"

" I know "

" But did you get the store" he says.

" Yea I did now I have to start remodeling"

" Ooh baby that is great. I got a independent working woman how great is that".

I couldn't do anything but laugh at that. That's Odell.

So what do you think about Ky'lee and Odell's first big argument. Who do you think was wrong in the situation.

Do you think Ky'lee was wrong for over reacting.

Do you think Odell was right for leaving and slamming the door in Ky'lee face.

How do you think things are going to change with Ky'lee getting her own boutique.

So Ky'lee gets to meet Odell buddies. How will they react to Ky'lee


Word Count: 866

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