Whos this guy?

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"Sir, I have the most amazing offer available! You won't find a better deal anywhere else!" The man exclaimed, vigorously waving his hand. A smug smirk adorned his face, unapologetically displayed.

Amari, Y/Ns girlfriend, chuckled, delicately lifting her hand to brush her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

Y/N tilted his head back and let out a sigh.

"Whatever, babe. Do you want it?" He turned to his companion, and her face instantly brightened as she clung to his arm.

"Absolutely, baby! We can match if you get two of them!" She squealed with delight, her voice high-pitched. Y/N reached into his wallet.

"Two of them, please," he requested, handing the man a substantial amount of currency. With a wide grin, the man accepted the money and handed the couple two 'genuine', thick gold bracelets.

Amari swiftly slid her bracelet onto her wrist, and Y/N did the same. They walked off, his arm around Amari's waist.

"How about we hit up that restaurant you love? The Libeccio, was it?" Y/N suggested, wearing confident smile.

Amari squealed once again. "Oh, seriously? You're the best, Y/N!" she said, tugging him by the hand in the direction of The Libeccio.

He laughed nodded as he was pulled along "You know I treat my girls right,"

(Lmaoo Y/N bein a whole pimp)

Y/N spotted a certain brick building, holding the door open as he and she both entered.

"Welcome! Table for tw-?"

A happy voice greeted the two, but was interrupted by the loud voice of a young male.

"Measly little punk shit! YOU THINK YOU CAN MESS WITH ME!? how many times do I have to keep teaching you this lesson!?"

Many heads in the restaurant turned to the noise, including Y/N and Amaris.

Amari rolled her eyes "weirdos.."

"..Anyway. Yes, table for two. If you have a more private area, that would be better for us." Y/N said, ignoring the commotion.

The server nodded.

"Unfortunately.. the only area we have is in the same room that noise is coming from.. it has much less tables. However, it will cost a bit extra."

Y/N waved his hand in the air

"Yeah yeah, it's fine."

The server nodded once more, stepping out from behind the counter and guiding them through a doorway into a small room with only three well-spaced tables. Amari and Y/N settled into their seats. With a gracious gesture, the server handed them both menus and then walked away.

Y/N perused the menu in silence, while Amari hummed softly, pondering her choices.

Out of nowhere, a piece of strawberry cake soared across the room. Time seemed to slow down as the cake approached Amari's face, splattering all over her.

The room fell into stunned silence as Amari burst into tears. Y/N stood up calmly, first walking over to Amari to help her clean off the cake from her face. Then, he turned around and headed toward the group of boys from where the cake had originated.

One of the boys with blond hair stood up, attempting to apologize, but Y/N paid no attention as he drew nearer.

The shortest one of the group, the one with black hair and an orange headband, was the first to react to
Y/N's growing advances

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