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Today was my first day as Kikimora's apprentice. I was so excited. I got my diamond uniform on and headed out. 

I walked towards Kikimora's room when I heard a voice from behind me. Ugh doesn't he have anything better to do? "So... Diamond Danger sensor huh?" I groaned "Yep." I continued towards her room trying to get out of talking to The Golden Guard. 

"You know... Everyone knows you have taken quite a liking to Kikimora." He said while following me. "Just because everyone else hates her doesn't mean I have to." I said annoyed. He then used his staff to pin me to the wall. "Listen. I don't like you or Kikimora. But I know that she likes you back." My face turned pink.

Everyone kept saying that but I didn't know if it was true or not. "Why do you care!?" I yelled at him. He put away his staff and let me free, "Oh, no reason. I'm just a sucker for romantics~" he said in a sing songy voice.

I groaned and ran off to Kikimora's room so I could finally talk to her. I knocked on her door and she slowly opened it. "Oh! Y/n! Come in!" she said as she frantically made herself look more presentable. "Hey, Kiki can we talk?" I said seriously, I could see the panic in Kikimora's eyes. 

"Oh! uhm, of course!!" I sat down on one of the chairs she had in her room, and she sat on her bed. I looked around at everything in here. There where many different types of medals and awards that either had the emperor's sigil on it or Hexsides logo on it. 

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Kikimora nervously said. "Well- uhm- everyone- the golden guard- crushes- you- me-" I tripped over all my words and I couldn't seem to form a sentence. However, Kikimora was somehow able to understand exactly what I was trying to say. "The Golden Guard said I have a crush on you? And you have a crush on me?" Kikimora blushed and I was blushing too. 

"Uhm yeah..." Kikimora then suddenly pulled out a box from under her bed and stood on it, so she was my height. She leaned in and I leaned in too and our lips met. 

It was like fireworks went off. Her lips were so soft and everything in the air was pure. I wished that this would never end, I hate the Golden Brat but without him this wouldn't be happening. When she pulled away from the kiss we both just sat there staring at each other for a moment. "Can- Can I kiss you again?" She asked nervously.

I nodded slightly like I was trapped in some sort of curse. 

But this wasn't a curse,

it was love.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭

(469 words)

(A/n)  so... what did ya'll think about my Mystery X Reader?  Was it worth the wait?

 So I wanted to explain why I wrote this. I was talking to my friend one day and I said "I wonder if there is a Kikimora x Reader, someone wrote?" So i looked it up and I couldn't find any. I then decided fine, "I'll do it myself" And wrote this short little one. You have no idea how much it pained me to write this. This last chapter was especially hard because I had write romantic stuff and I cant imagine me kissing Kikimora (for obvious reasons) so I kinda had like not think of Kikimora and just think of someone really short. 

Anyways, I hope you at least got a laugh out of this because I sure did, I thought it would be funny to put a tomotasauce reference, with the Diamond danger sensor. 

If you guys want me to do any other short X Readers of characters we all hate, or love, please tell me! I always read your comments!


I thought I heard a beautiful voice... Kikimora x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now