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(I wanted to say that the emojis at the beginning of each chapter have nothing to do with the chapter I literally just get a random emoji picker and it picks for me.)

I was walking to my training, I wasn't sure who was running it but you hoped it wasn't the Golden Brat. He was always getting special attention for being The Emperor's nephew. 

Part of me hoped it was Kikimora. Everyone hated her but for some odd reason I... didn't? I walked into the training room and looked around at the other guards. I had never made many friends in the coven so I simply walked to the front to see who was training us. 

A couple of moments later the doors opened and everyone went silent. In walked a short red demon with blue fists for hair. Just seeing her sent butterflies into my stomach, I wasn't sure why though. 

An audible groan came from the coven scouts surrounding me when they saw who was training them. On the other hand, I was ecstatic that Kikimora was teaching. It's better then than Golden Brat. 

"Hello, scouts. Today we will be going over some basic training you should already have mastered." 

She walked in front of the crowd and drew a circle in the air sending out a beam of fire. "As you can see this is a level 3 fire spell. If you were in the direct hit zone, you would receive 3rd degree burns." 

She shot the fire through the roof and I stared at the hole in awe. 

"I want you all to practice this. Begin!" she yelled and the room became engulfed in a multicolored fire. I started shooting beams of fire into the air as well. 

Just then someone shot a beam of fire straight at Kikimora. I saw this and intercepted it, my stomach was burnt horribly. 

Kikimora ran to your side and instructed one of the scouts to go and get someone from the healing coven.  

My mask had been burnt so she took it off. I could never be sure but I swear I saw her pupils dilate when she saw my face.

"Y/n?" She asked. 'She knows my name?!' I thought as my face heated up. "Y- Yes ma'am?" I said trying to hide the pain from the burn and the excitement in my voice. 

Then someone rushed up to me and started healing my wounds. Kikimora left my side to go yell at whoever did this. "Ok now I'm going to put a sleeping spell on you because this next part can be painful, is that ok?" I nodded and the Healing personnel drew a circle in the air and aimed it at me. 

I slowly fell into a deep quiet sleep.  

~~~~𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹~~~~

I woke up in the healing coven headquarters and sat up from the cot I was in. I turned to see Kikimora there at my bedside "Oh Uhm Y/n! I was just here to make sure you were okay! I'll leave now!" She said as she got up and briskly fully left the room. 

'What was that about?' I thought as I slowly started to get up. 

~~{𝓚𝓲𝓴𝓲𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥}~~

After Y/n was taken to the Healing headquarters I yelled at the scout that hurt them for an hour. 

I'm not sure why I cared so much about this random guard but something about them seemed... Nice? I don't like very many people but their presence is tolerable. Usually, all the guards hate me but Y/n took a 3rd degree burn to the stomach for me... No one has ever done anything close to that before in my life!

I decided to go see if they were okay, I made my way into the healing headquarters and walked into the room Y/n was being healed in. 

 "How are they?" I asked the person who was healing Y/n. "they are doing wonderful! The process took a little longer since I don't have much experience with 3rd-degree burns and our head healer is healing The Golden Guard right now." 

"I understand. Thank you for healing them." I said as I walked over to a chair that was placed next to their bed. "In fact, she should wake up any moment now!" The healer said with excitement. 

I, on the other hand, was infuriated. That stupid golden Idiot was getting the top healer's attention, for probably getting a paper cut or something, while Y/n was here suffering! They could have died from a blast like that!! 

"That's great!" I said masking the anger in my voice. The healer left the room and  I sat there in silence. 

Slowly they started moving a little than their eyes slowly opened and they sat up. "Oh, Uhm Y/n! I was just here to make sure you were okay! I'll leave now!" I said as I stood up and left the room quickly. 

I don't know why I got so flustered. I just feel so... different around them. But not in a bad way! In a good way, they make everything feel better. A smile crept onto my face when I realized. 

They make me feel better. 

(862 words)

I thought I heard a beautiful voice... Kikimora x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now