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                        ~~𝒴/𝓃'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱~~

I was out patrolling when a guard ran up to me and told me the emperor wanted to see me. I immediately walked towards the Throne room. 'Oh, crap what would happen if he found out about the Slither Beast mission'  theories on why The Emperor would want to see me circled in my head. 

When I finally got to the throne room, I nervously dusted myself off and calmly walked in. "Sir? You wanted to see me?" I asked, trying to sound as formal as possible. "Yes, Kikimora told me how useful you are and what a good guard you are. She would like to take you in as her apprentice." 

His words sounded like music to my ears. "Would you like to be Kikimora's apprentice?" I just noticed Kikimora standing right next to the emperor.  "Yes sir! There would be nothing I would like more! Thank You!!!" I bowed

"You may leave, a new uniform will be waiting in your room. You will now be known as the Diamond Danger Sensor." (ehehe) I nodded and walked out of the room. 

as soon as I got out I jumped for joy. I could've yelled and screamed at the top of my lungs out of pure joy, but if I did, Belos would get mad. 

I ran back to my room and burst through the door to see a crystal white cloak with a white mask in the shape of a bird. I squealed the best fangirl squeal ever. 

A little while later there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Kikimora, my emotions overtook me and I picked her up and gave her a big hug. I quickly realized what I did and set her down. "Oh- I'm sorry Ma'am," I said as I backed away. "No no, it's ok. And call me Kikimora or Kiki." I smiled.

"Thank you so much, for getting me a promotion..." I shuffled my feet. "My pleasure you show a lot of promise!" 

We stood there awkwardly for a little bit. Then an annoying voice rang out and I almost punched his stupid gold mask. "Kikimora? What are you- Oh. You." The Golden Gaurd sneered at me. What is his problem?! "Golden Guard do you need something?" Kikimora asked annoyed. 

"I need to have a word with you. In private" he sneered the last word at me. I shrugged and closed my door. Instead of returning to my desk, I listened to what they were saying through the door. 

"Diamond Danger Sensor? Really Kiki?" He said teasing her. "At least I have an apprentice you're barely old enough to not be counted as one." Kikimora shot back. "Oh, Kiki. Everyone knows you have a crush on them. That's the only reason you wanted them to be your apprentice." My face flushed red. 

Does she really like me? My heart started beating rapidly. "I'm done with the conversation," Kikimora said sternly. I heard footsteps walking away. I slowly opened the door to see Kikimora sitting on the floor. She looked like a mess.

"Woah?! Are you ok!? I'll kill that Golden brat!!" I threatened as I wrapped my arms around Kiki. I heard her crying and she wrapped her arms around me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She nodded and followed me back into my room.

~~~~𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹~~~~

After about an hour of talking, I realized this girl needs serious help. This Golden guy is an actual bully. I hate him, I'll make sure to let him know that. 

"*sniff* and then he gave me platform shoes for my birthday! *sniff* He basically spat in my face" She continued to cry. I held her in a hug.

I'm gonna lose my mind at him tomorrow. 

(620 words)

I thought I heard a beautiful voice... Kikimora x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat