Stress- LW

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You were sat in bed reading a book for what felt like hours

You weren't at all paying attention to the book but more about Larissa, how you only ever see her when she come to bed at night

She sits all day in her office and at break and lunch she stays in her office not even coming to your classroom to say hello

She storms into your shared room, red with anger as she quickly undresses and changing into her pyjamas

She struggles to take our her hair pins storming over to you

Larissa- Here take these bloody things out would you

You sit up as she sits on the edge of the bed with her back turned from you

You carefully takes out each pin cautious not to pull her hair and hurt her scalp

Y/n- I'm not hurting you am I?

Larissa- No just take them out

Y/n- There, all done

She storms into the bathroom with a packet of makeup wipes and removes her makeup

She comes back into the room slamming the bathroom door shut and locking both her office door and finally the bedroom door

She then climbs into bed with you and lays down with her back turned to you

She turns off the light and you put your book down on the bedside table and lay down with your face facing her back

Y/n- Larissa

Larissa- What

Y/n- Are you okay you seem stressed all the time and I never properly see you anymore

Larissa- I'm fine

Y/n- Just talk to me please


You roll over and close your eyes trying to hold back as many tears as you could

She never shouts at you NEVER

The next morning she was already up and ready in her office, writing notes and typing on her computer and answering multiple phone calls

You get ready and go into her office attached to your shared bedroom

Y/n- Right I'm going to work I'll see you later

You kiss her cheek

Larissa- Bye

She shut the door and walk to your classroom

Once all the students enter the room you hand out test papers and equipment

Y/n- Right you have the full lesson so off you go

You sit at your desk and mark some tests from the other class from yesterday

You decide to text Larissa to make sure she is okay

Are you okay? xxx

Rissa ❤️
Fine xxx

Do you promise me xxx

Rissa ❤️
Yep I'll see you tonight xxx

You left her on delivered and carried on marking

Once the lesson is over you have a free lesson so get as many of the recent tests marked as you hear your phoning ringing

You flip your phone over to see Larissa calling you

You answer to hear her sobbing her eyes out

Y/n- Larissa, baby are you okay what's wrong?

Larissa- Please come to my office I need you

Y/n- Okay, I'll be 2 minutes

You hang up and rush to her office

You swing the door open to find her with her head in her hands sobbing

You rush over to her not even bothering to close the door

You pull her in for a hug and rub her back letting her calm down

Y/n- Talk to me Larissa please

Larissa- Everything is too much and I can't do this anymore I'm so stressed all the work all the emails all the phone calls and everyone relying on me I can't do it and I'm so fucking tired I didn't mean to take it out on you last night and I'm so fucking sorry

She cries into your chest as you hold her close

Y/n- It's okay but you should of told me sooner and I would of been able to help you

Larissa- I know and I'm sorry

Y/n- Come on take a break have a nap I'll stay with you

Larissa- I can't I have so much work to do

Y/n- I'm not asking you I'm telling you

Larissa- Fine

You take her to your shared bedroom and lock the door

You climb into bed together and you hold her close letting her fall asleep into your chest you stay awake so you don't miss your next lesson or if someone rings her phone

You both stay like that for an hour untill she wakes up with a big smile on her face

Larissa- Hi baby

Y/n- Hi pretty lady

Larissa- Thanks for this did anyone ring?

Y/n- No

Larissa- Good

She stretches and cracks her neck and knuckles before dragging you back into her office

Larissa- Go back to work missy

Y/n- Yes boss

Larissa- Good girl

She winks as you leave heading back to your class

Another class comes in as you set down their same set of test papers and get back to marking

Larissa texts you

Rissa ❤️
Thanks for everything babe xxx

Your welcome xxx

Rissa ❤️
I love you xxx

I love you too mamma xxx

Rissa ❤️
Oh fuck off xxx

You laugh and put your phone down

Student- What are you laughing at

Y/n- Oh its nothing don't worry

Student- Is it Principal Weems

Y/n- Never you mind

You wink and he laughs putting his thumb up

The class ends and that student stays behind

Student- Hey

Y/n- Hey you okay?

Student- Shes lucky to have you Miss L/n

He leaves leaving you in tears

You text Larissa what just happened and walk to her office for break

Larissa- Heyyy, you okay baby

Y/n- Yeah, did you get my text

Larissa- I did, and he's right. I'm so lucky to have you

Y/n- And I'm lucky to have you

You sit on her knee, and she pecks your lips, typing up some emails

Gwendoline Christie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now