Protective- LW

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There you were laying in her bed with her cuddling

This was a daily thing for you and Larissa and this was something you enjoyed the most in life

You may be her student but she loves you very dearly

You wake up and find Larissa not by your side

You walk into her office and find her there with scattered paper all over her desk and a very stressed look on her incredibly gorgeous face

Y/n- Hey momma how are you, what you doing

Larissa- Work

Y/n- Okkk... what work

Larissa- School work why?

Y/n- Okay I'm going to school

Larissa- Have a good day princess

You leave an go to school

You get to Mrs Thornhills class and she hands out test papers as per usual

Y/n- Fucker

You whisper under her breath

Mrs Thronhill- Pardon me

Y/n- Another test

Mrs Thornhill- Yes Y/n, yes another test

You get on with the test and feel eyes on you

You look to your side and see Xavier trying to cheat off your test

Y/n- Look at your own fucking paper Xavier

Mrs Thornhill- Y/N LANGUAGE

Y/n- He's cheating

Mrs Thornhill- Don't start Y/n


Mrs Thornhill- OUT!!!

Y/n- FINE!!!

You storm out and walk to Larissa's office and burst in

Larissa was typing on her computer

Larissa- What happened

She said without looking up from her computer

Y/n- She hates me she fucking hates me

Larissa- Who babe?

You sit in the chair on the other side of her desk

Y/n- Thornhill does Thornhill hates me

Larissa puts her laptop to one side and comes round the desk to you

You start sobbing thinking of all the things Thornhill has done to you that has annoyed you

Larissa sits on the arm of the chair your sat on and puts an arm around you and kisses your forehead

Larissa- Tell me everything she has done to you

Y/n- She shouts at me for no reason, she favourites everyone but me, she calls me out when I get low scores on tests, she hits me when I get low scores she...

You start uncontrollably crying your eyes out

Larissa holds you close to her and strokes your hair

Larissa starts lightly sobbing

Larissa- She hits you

Y/n- Yeah

Larissa- Oh god

She starts crying

You look up at her scared

Larissa never cries or atleats not around you, she is a strong, confident woman who keeps her tears locked away for your benefit to show you she can protect you

Larissa- She has no right to do that to you no way I'm letting that happen

Larissa stands up and storms out her office slamming the door

There is no fucking way I'm letting her get away with hurting my girlfriend or lover or whatever she is to me she still belongs to me whether she likes it or not

I storm into Mrs Thornhill's classroom and all the students are on me

Larissa- Marilyn can I speak to you outside please

Student- Yeah Marilyn

Larissa- Head down now!!!

Student- Yes ma'am sorry ma'am

Me and Marilyn go outside her classroom

Larissa- Tell me and be honest, do you hit my kid?!

Marilyn- Oh Y/n is she your daughter?

Larissa- No she's not but she means a lot to me

Marilyn- Well I have to she is VERY disobedient

Larissa- What the fuck do you mean she is a good kid okay you leave her alone don't fucking touch my kid do you understand me!!!

Marilyn- Yes Ma'am I will not touch her again

She walks back to class and I leave to go back to my office

Y/n is asleep in my chair and a go put a blanket on

Larissa- Hey Y/n what do you do to make her like that towards you

Y/n- Well I do shout at people a lot but I don't mean to upset her

Larissa- Do you swear a lot

Y/n- I guess

Larissa- Sweetheart you have to be nicer come on

Y/n- I'm sorry but does that mean I deserve to be hit

I sit on my arm chair and cuddle her into me

Larissa- No, no of course not baby just try to be a but nicer in class okay?

Y/n- I'm sorry

Larissa- Your forgiven

Y/n laughs and puts her head back on the table falling asleep

Larissa- Come on let's get you to bed

I pick her up and take her to my room attached to my office and lock the door

The door to the office was locked so I lay her down and tuck her in

I get both of us undressed and in pyjamas and get into bed with her

Y/n- I love you Rissa

Larissa- Yeah, yeah I love you too babygirl

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