Assistant or Lover?- LW

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You were stood by Larissa as she led the meeting with all staff

You have been Larissa's assistant for 3 years now, and you have never been more lucky in your whole entire life

This woman is just perfect, and you are so in love with her

As the meeting ends, Larissa takes you over to her desk and locks her office door

She picks you up and places you on top of the desk

Larissa- Tell me, did you listen to a word I said, or were you too busy staring at me, hm?

You just look at the floor until you feel two strong hands take over each side of your face and harshly lift it back up to look at her

She has an impatient tone in her face like if you don't speak now, she will rip your face off

Y/n- Larissa, I don't know what to do anymore

Larissa- What do you mean?

You sigh and feel your eyes fill with tears

Y/n- I mean, I don't know what to do with us. I mean, I'm so in love with someone I can't have

You feel those tears fall down your face as fast as light as if they have been waiting to fall for years

Larissa- Someone as in me?

Y/n- Yes, oh my god why, why do I have to fall in love with my boss

She holds you gently in her arms and rests her head on your right shoulder, allowing you to just cry in the crook of her neck

Once you stop crying, you pull back, and she wipes your tears

Larissa- Who said you can't have me? I'm not taken

Y/n- Yes, but as if you would ever like me back, I'm just an assistant

Larissa- Now you listen to me, my darling love. You are much more than what you think, much more than just an assistant, okay? I love you dearly, I enjoy your company, I take your advice seriously, I appreciate your work, and most of all, I appreciate you, okay? I love you, honey

She takes your hands and kisses each one of your individual fingertips slowly, cautiously and delicately, taking time in her charm

Y/n- Do you mean that, I mean, really mean every word you just said?

Larissa- I mean everything

You start to cry again, happy tears this time as she picks you up and sitting down in her chair by her desk and allowing you to snuggle into her

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