Chapter 6: The wine tasting party

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"At last my son finally acquired the senses he got from me" he paused glancing briefly at him before back to me

"I must say I'm proud of him for this" he whispered in my ear.

Such a weird man I mean was there need for whisper in that. Before Finn came to our side alongside his Mom.

"Stefano it's been a while I saw you in Moscow" Mrs. Genrich pouted sadly before giving me a bear hug. I missed her, she was always like a second mum to me.

"yeah, I've been so busy lately, I missed your shchi" I stated sadly and that was true.

That was the Russian food I like the best maybe because of how she prepared it but the taste was exceptional. And she was ready to make it for me any time, any day.

"aww... I missed cooking it for you too and that's more reason why you have to visit often" she said with a bright smile and I nodded still with a smile plastered on my face.

"okay let's get started because I don't know what you see in that shchi" Finn stated dryly as I chuckled. Before we all moved to the Central floor and Finn with his Father left for the announcement.

A lady tapped me on the shoulder. What the fuck! One of the things I hated the most is this as I turned towards the brunette flashing her fake lashes at me with a ridiculous red lipstick which could drop on my Tuxedo if I'm not been careful.

"Hi handsome" she said forcing her waist to move. Yes, she's good looking but if only she didn't apply this mysterious make up on her face.

"What do you want?" I said firmly with a frown.

"care for a dance?" she asked flashing her white teeth at me.

"no thanks" I stated firmly turning to the other side but she wouldn't give up as she twirled around me again resting her hands on my neck. I stared at her briefly contemplating on what to do with her... should I push her away or enjoy my night with her as usual but then I was not just in the mood for that tonight.

Just before I could say something a familiar voice interrupted me from behind... oh thank God at last she could release her hand from my neck before she walked away giving me this 'I'll be back' look

"Fratello, ancestors to the women" Ryder said from behind our usual way of communication. My childhood friend though we broke apart for 8 years but after realizing the truth about our painful past, I learnt to forgive and let go because I did worse and I was forgiven so who am I not to forgive him. It was hard at first then, he left me when I needed him the most but I realized that holding up to the past hurts more and everyone deserves a second chance though we're not yet like before but his trying to cover up our lost years together and I know restoring our previous relationship would have a long way to go. (Brother)

"We all kmow it's all thanks to this pretty woman here that you're no longer one of us" I grinned at him, he chuckled glancing briefly at Claire.

"It's been awhile Man" he said

"Of course I've been so busy lately" I said with a smile before turning to the pretty woman beside him as she enveloped me in a hug exactly the replica of the woman who held a lot of painful memories in my head. Though she has forgiven me but I still can't help it but reminisce on the past. A scar I'll forever hold onto my grave. I tried to erase it but it's hard, if only I could turn back the time, she may still be breathing today.

[check out the first book DROWNED if you are yet to do that and find out more about Stefano's past]

"Stefano" a calm voice brought me out of my wavering thoughts

"Are you okay?" she asked and I smiled

"of course I am, how have you been pretty girl?" I said with a bright smile

"I've been good and you?" she asked sweetly then I nodded with a smile

"I am doing good sweet heart" I teased trying to get a reaction from Ryder and of course I trust him to retaliate

"Watch the endearment you use on my woman!" he faked a frown as I chuckled

"Jealous is he?" I muttered to Claire then she blushed.

"Alcantara, what are you telling my girlfriend?" he said pulling her closer to him then I chuckled. Before he could retort back, a voice in a speaker echoed everywhere trying to get all our attention as we all turned towards the direction of the voice.

"Good evening everyone! Trust you've been good! We all are here for the new Recipe of G wine and I'm sure as hell that we're all eager for the tasting to begin" the emcee said over the microphone as everyone gave a thundering scream. Some kept echoing yes, we can't wait... just before the emcee could continue.

"at this medium we're going to call up on stage the person behind the savoring taste of wines, who made us yearn for more, and who brought a glistening smiles to our faces" he paused studying the reaction of people's faces who could not wait for the announcement to be made before smiling.

"Let's welcome the Handsome President of the G Wine Industries Finn Genrich" he finally said as everyone roared with claps and screams.

After the whole talks on the new Recipe a cool music was played for everyone to dance. But I was not just in the mood so I went to the bartender for more wine before a voice interrupted me again.

"Handsome I told you I'll be back" that same brunette said as I looked at her for the first time then I realized that I've seen her somewhere before but couldn't fathom where.

"what do you want again? A dance?" I said but more calmly this time. She had this expression of 'am I really the one talking now?' as she shook her head at me and sat on my laps. I wanted to push her but she had this seductive look all over that could make a man give in but I was still not interested.

"No you seem not to be in the mood, and I got a better idea" she winked and before I could reply she crashed her lips against mine, my eyes popped open but damn it she was a good kisser as I gave in to the feeling.

She teased me as I left a moan and she used that medium to sneak her tongue inside mine, I could still feel the savoring taste of wine in her mouth.

I felt another hand on my shoulder in a seductive manner. Then I knew I was doomed because they started to awake my man already.

The brunette kissing and making out with me didn't stop and I didn't too. Just before we could go deep I heard a shattering sound afar as we stopped briefly to check out what's happening. The crazy brunette was about to savor me with more kisses but something got my attention as I signaled for her to stand up.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, please forgive me I'm really sorry for this" the waitress kept saying to a Red-haired woman whose face was down trying to clean the red wine stain on her dress before her eyes which seems clouded with tears jolted up meeting mine.

Fuck! What's she doing here?


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Love you, Ria🍒

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