Part 14 - what have I caused

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I rolled down my window and saw it was that Jessie girl, this is going so perfect. "Hi are you my pickup people?" She asked, a fidgety tone in her voice. "Oh yeah, hop in" i cleared my throte as I rolled up my window and got in the car. "Yo you good" I whisperd to Kurt as I put my hand on his inner thigh. He nodded and started the car, i couldnt help but chuckle a little, he's so cute when flusterd, if only Jessie didnt ruin the moment.

About half way through the drive Jessie goes "this isn't the way to my house, where are we going?" Kurt chimes in and goes "im taking you home" with a sly smile on his face. "But this isnt the way to my fuckin house!" She says sitting up straight. "Ohhh not your home my home" kirt responds, i just smile. Jessie got really quite and suddenly she goes "uh no, let me out right now!" "No can do, Jessie" i say in a menacing tone, as she freezes and stays quiet.

A few moment later, she tries to choke Kurt out! "YO WTF?!" I yell, trying to get her off of him and  him trying his best to not swerve into anything.
I finally got her off of Kurt, with a little force, yes she is knocked out right now. "I thought i was a goner there" he said rubbing his neck "yeah, shes crazy" i said rubbing my eyes.

We pulled into the driveway and i got Jessie from the back seat. We stepped inside and I set her on the couch, I looked up to see Kurt's dad just standing there?? "Dad, what are you doing here" Kirt said, defensively. "What.. did you do.. to your mother" his dad said, sounding like he was about to cry. Kurt looked at me, i looked back with a confused look. "DAD GET OUT" Kurt yelled, slamming his hand on the wall. In response his dad held a gun up to his head and shot himself. "HOLY HECK DUDE WHAT THE HELL" i yelled. Kurt stood there, frozen.

Suddenly i heard a loud reving noise outside, AND A CAR CRASHES THROUGH THE WALL. "HOLY" i screamed, looking over at Kurt. "NO,KURT!" I yelled, seeing my boyfriend get run over by the car that just rammed into the house. Jessie got out of the car and i lost it "WHAT DID YOU DO." She laughed and said "the phsyco deserved it!"

I ran over to Kurt and held him in my arm, "please pleas please" I muttered under my breath. "Hey hey, y/n calm down" he tried to sooth me, putting a hand on my cheek. "No! Your gonna" "hey! Ill be fine" he said in such a calm voice, how is he so calm!?! "Cmere" he said leaning me closer, I leaned in and he kissed me.

BAM!! "Shit!" I yelled, I felt a pain in my neck as i heard a gun shot. Jessie shot me, that fuckin bitch. I fell on top of Kurt and felt him take his final breath and my vision went from blurry, to black.

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