Part 13 - woah

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(i pray my mom never looks at my phone again)

After stealing a car from an old guy we went to the comedy show where that celebrity chick was. "Okayy, how do we get in?" I asked "lets sneak through the back, theres no security" he shruged off. He grabbed my hand pulling me twards the door, he grabbed a lock pick out of his pocket. "Always gotta have it handy" he laughed at my shocked face "i guess so" i mutterd.

Soon the lock was unlocked and we sneaked in, going around a few tables and making our was to a really dark area. We started listening in on the show, i assume it was the end beacuse there weren't many people sitting at the tables.

As we were listening in, she satarted to say abunch of rude stuff about me and Kurt. Stuff like "he was begging for a follow" and "its so pathetic." It made me so angry, I could tell it was messing with Kurt too. I pulled him in closer, and he rested his head on shoulder while i held his hands, rubbing them with my thumb. I started whispering in his ear trying to comfort and calm him down "hey it's okay, dont let this get ahead of, we have to focus, okay love?" I finished saying while kissing his head.

The show ended so we waited outside in the stolen car. "sooo we have a little while before she comes out, what you wanna do" I said smiling at him, hoping he felt better. He sighed "mm i dont know" he shrugged looking out the window. Unpleased by this answer I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. I looked into his eyes, noticing his cheeks were turning pink. I slowly leaned in and kissed him, expecting a quick kiss, i tried to pull away but he pulled me back in. I was a little shocked but went with it.

We soon pulled away and I took a risky chance. I climbed over the arm rest and sat in his lap kissing him again, this time more softer, while I adjusted my hips a little. He winced and whimperd a little, 'holy shit' was my instant though 'hold shit, i gotta keep this dom act together. I slowly pulled away and softly kissed his neck, bitting it a few times. The whimpers and soft moans were sending me into overdrive, I wanted it and wanted it soon, but i knew i had to take it slow. I stopped kissing his neck and let the seat go all the way down, and lifted his shirt a little, just to where his chest started. I started kissing his stomach softly, he was squirming a lot so I held him still whill he breathed heavily. As I stowly got lower, he started to go from breathing to whimpering.

"HELLO" we heard some say outside the car, they knocked on the windows too. "OH SHIT" I said under my breath. I quickly got off of him and got in my seat, "your lucky theese windows are tinted" he said, I laughed a little as he got fixed up.

Kurt Kunkle x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now