"I don't know." Isaac spoke with such serenity. Like he was perfectly relaxed being here and having a casual conversation with him. "Driving around and I saw you, looking lonely on a swing. Besides, being on a playground all by yourself isn't any fun is it? Figured I'd keep you company, that's cool isn't it?"

Jess didn't answer. Was that cool with him? He looked back over at the boy who was practically glowing in the sunlight and swinging like he was a child.


The swing slowly stopped as Isaac stopped kicking and he leaned back, having ahold of the chains. He looked happy leaned back in the swing. "So what had you thinking so hard? If you don't mind sharing, sorry I know I'm nosy."

Jess furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"You looked so serious before. All doom and gloom sitting on the swing by yourself."

"I wasn't doom and gloom." Jess didn't realize how pouty he sounded until after he said it.

Isaac's small smile was cute and his eyes shone with honesty. "If you say so."

"I do say so."

"Alright then, guess that's settled. Jess isn't doom and gloom, he just looks it."

Jess glared at the boy but when he laughed the look dropped. Isaac had one of those contagious song like laughs. Jess let himself smile a little.

"Maybe it's just cause you're kinda pale and have the jet black hair. You sorta look like a member of the Addams family." Isaac spoke again and this time he earned a small chuckle out of Jess.

Jess looked at the boy again and he was just looking back at him with a small smile. It was quiet for a bit before he decided to break the silence. "So what about you? Why are you out here?"

"I already told you. I was driving and you looked lonely." That's what he was saying but his eyes gave away that he was lying.

"Okay then, let's go with that. Why were you just driving around? You didn't have anywhere to be?"

Isaac broke eye contact this time to look down. "Not really. My dad's working late so the house is gonna be quiet. I thought I'd just waste some time driving and look for things to do. Couldn't find anything though so I was gonna take the long way home and then, there you were."

His brown hair fell over his forehead and with the sun shining down on him it caused a shadow to cast over his eyes. It was very fitting, matched the shadow in his eyes and everything.

Jess sighed and leaned back on the swing like Isaac had done before. He pushed off the ground a little so he swayed back and forth. They both fell into silence as Jess swung slightly and Isaac watched him with focused eyes.

"You come to this place often?" His voice sounded different now and his eyes were serious yet curious. The joking tone had left.

"Not anymore." Jess decided to answer his questions. It's not like he was asking anything super personal or anything. "I used to a lot when I was younger but I guess I just forgot about it until today. What about you?"

Isaac smiled. "I come a decent amount I guess. Last time was homecoming because Ki's date ditched him so since the rest of us didn't have dates we all just decided to leave. Jace was driving so we somehow ended up here and joked around for a few hours. We've done that a few times. Andrew was all dressed up, moreso than the rest of us, and so we got a good laugh out of the image of a guy in a tuxedo running around a playground."

The reminder was painful that this boy hung around those guys. Jess wasn't exactly Ki and Jace's biggest fan. Especially not after today. He didn't really know Andrew.

"No offense but Ki's a dick. Jace hasn't exactly made a great name for himself to me either." He was being honest, he had no reason to hold back. If Isaac got offended he could leave and then Jess would have his peace.

"They're good guys, they just joke too much. Ki doesn't realize when he offends people and doesn't know when to stop and Jace is too oblivious to stop it. But they don't mean to come off as hateful, they're just kind of dumb."

Jess looked at Isaac trying to decipher if he was serious or not. He couldn't find anything deceitful in the pretty hazel so he decided not to hold the fact he has awful taste in friends against him. Maybe Isaac really didn't realize that they were assholes and seriously thought they were just playing around.

"If you say so." Jess turned back around and started half way swinging. "How long have you lived here?"

If they were playing the talking game then so be it.

"All my life." Isaac answered. "I was home-schooled for a year and a half in elementary though."

"Really? Why?" Jess slowed down to look at him in curiosity.

"My mom died and my dad wanted to be there for moral support. He also wanted me to be able to work on my school work at my own pace and not have the stress of teachers and peers." His voice didn't waver as he spoke, as if this was such a typical topic.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry I asked."

"Nah its cool." Isaac shrugged. "You didn't know. And by now I'm used to talking about it."

Jess didn't know what to say to that so he just nodded and started swinging a little again. Isaac's eyes followed his movements for a minute before he started swinging as well.

There wasn't much talking done for a while longer while the two swung quietly next to each other. Isaac slowed eventually when the light slowly started fleeting away from them. He looked to the sky before turning to Jess who slowed down to a stop as well under his gaze.

"It's getting late. Are your folks expecting you back?" His question was innocent but a hurtful reminder of what was waiting at home.

Jess looked down and kicked at the dirt lightly again. "I don't know. My mom will probably just assume I'm in my room and leave me alone." Either that or she'll forget about him entirely while she focuses on her own anguish over not having Daisy.

Isaac tilted his head to the side like a puppy and it was enough to bring the corner of Jess's lips up.

"Do you want to go get something to eat together?" Isaac asked suddenly. Jess raised his eyebrows.

"Why?" It wasn't meant to sound rude, he asked it innocently because he was genuinely curious as to why Isaac would want to go out to eat with him. However thinking over the conversation he realized it might have sounded rude.

"Because, I don't want to eat alone and like I said, my dad is working late tonight."

Jess thought it over. Maybe Isaac could see he didn't want to go home and was helping him. Or maybe Isaac really did just want some company for dinner.

"Why not?" Jess shrugged.

Isaac smiled and stood up. "Cool. Did you drive here?"

"No, I walked." Jess stood up as well.

"Okay then I'll drive us." He started walking and Jess hesitated before following. "Where do you want to go?"

"Uhhh I don't care."

This was weird. He wasn't used to people just wanting to spend time with him. He wouldn't complain though.

"I don't have any money."

"That's alright, it's on me."

Oh free food. Yeah, he definitely wasn't going to complain.


Is that a blooming friendship I see?

Love you ♡

- Z

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