Cw| Thire x Riyo's cousin reader

Start from the beginning

You batted your eyelashes innocently at him. "My apologies Commander Foxy Woxy."

Unable to contain themselves any longer, Thire and Thorn both howled in a fit of laughter. "That's hilarious! Hahahahaha!" Commander Fox shot them a scathing glare. "Yea, yea laugh it up. Because tomorrow your gonna double it hard on the workouts."

"Ahh come on Foxy Woxy." Groaned Thorn.

Commander Fox pointed a finger at Thorn. "Now don't you dare start with me! I'm having a difficult time as it as just trying to get her to stop calling me by that accursed nickname!"

"What exactly do you think cousins were for Foxy Woxy?" You asked plucking the large bag off the floor.

Commander Fox snorted crossing his arms over his armoured chest. "I already have whole armies worth of brothers who do enough of that. Which reminds me, just how the kriff did you get past us without being seen in the first place."

"Well Foxy Woxy it's a well known fact that the cleaning staff is not only invisible to practically everyone including the Senate guards, but that they also have access to just about every office in this building." You explained nodding your head toward the neatly folded up janitor's uniform on the coffee table.

Swiping up the janitor's uniform Commander Fox grumbled further. "Those Senate guards were always a bunch of useless twits!"

Looking at the bag for the first time since in your arms, Riyo inquired curiously. "(Y/N), is that what I think it is?"

"Yep; one of my self care packages. I figured that since the Senate was dragging their feet about their most recent issue, it would mean that would have spent the past fees days neglecting to take care of yourself so I baked up some goodies and brought them over here."

Riyo cracked the bag open and taking a delicate sniff of the bag's contents, released out a moan of pleasure. "Thank you very much (Y/N). I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"It's no problem at all." Than glancing back at the Thire and Thorn, you continued. "And of course you gentlemen are welcome to a little goodie as well."

Taken aback by this small act of kindness Thire protested. "We appreciate the offer ma'am but we really couldn't."

"Nonsense Thire, you and your brothers deserve to have a treat every once in a while." Said Riyo reassuringly.

Picking up on their hesitation you also added in. "Besides think of it as a compensation for the false alarm I gave you guys."

This seemed to put them at ease. "Well in that case count me in!" Spoke an eager Thorn. "Me too." Said Thire. "Although we should probably move this little get together somewhere without risking the chance of having any unwanted company barging in on us."

"Agreed." Asserted Commander Fox. "Riyo, if you and (Y/N) will kindly follow us." Than turning on his heels he proceeded to lead the group down the labyrinth of hallways.

"Do you want me to carry that for you Miss (Y/N) asked Thire glancing back at you carrying the large goodie bag in your arms.

You politely shook your head at his offer. "Thank you, but no Thire that won't be necessary. I've carried several heavy things in my line of work and built up a bit of muscle as a result."

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