A Letter: To That Special Someone

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To that special someone:

You are beautiful.

Genuine kindness personified.

When I talk to you, it's like nothing else in the world matters.

You've been through so much, and life has been unfair to you. I wish I could carry away the burdens of this world for you so that you may never see the impurities that run deeper than the roots of every tree on this land. I wish I may shield you from all hurt, so you may always have a reason to smile, and never feel fear or anguish. I wish with all of my heart that you had never been hurt so deeply, but every precious gem has gone through a refiner's fire. You are nothing short of perfection.

I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. As a fighter, a safe place to land, pure heaven. You're precious, more than all of the riches in the world who hide in your shadow because they know they could never compare to such beauty and worth.

It's been a gift to meet you, a gift I don't deserve, and quite frankly could never earn if I worked for a million lifetimes to achieve it.

My corrupt, twisted, and distorted desires for my own life are no longer feasible because put simply:

I have something to live for.

I have someone to live for.

I have a reason to keep going. I have a reason to endure the trials and hardships, the cruelty and abuse, the false hope and misconceptions the world has ready to offer in abundance. I have a reason, because I have someone worth living for. If even just to make you smile another day.

I know I'm broken, defective, a mistake. I know I can't love you the way you deserve. I know I'm bad at showing I care. I know I can't even convince myself to get out of bed if not for the persistent obligation to appear 'normal'. I know I'm damaged too far to offer stable support, and I know we very well may never meet face to face, but oh, the way my heart aches for you! I can't imagine living without you. I exist as a result of your gentle embrace and encouragement. I strive to improve, better myself, become someone entirely different than who I was yesterday for the sake of being a better lover today. Each minute is a chance to ensure my love is put to the works of my hands, and be presented so that you may see and understand the way the entirety of myself burns for you.

I want to wake up with you. I want to help you out of bed when our bones feel heavy and tired and we wonder why we should keep going. I want to cook my ethnic recipes for you, the dishes of my people that make up who I am today. Share the rich culture I come from. I want to envelop you in song, serenade you with lovely melodies sewn together by lyrics written from my heart for you. I want to watch the night sky, endless stars surrounding us and see you under the moonlight. I want to make you coffee, however you like it, or tea if you'd prefer, a warm toasty cup to start our day. I want to hug you, and feel your heart beating in sync with mine because we're so comfortable in each other's embrace it feels as if we'd known each other our whole lives. I want to know every intimate detail about your life. I wanna know your likes and dislikes, your favorites and what makes you angry, what makes you cry, what makes you smile, and how you like to receive love. I want to love you as long as there is breath in my lungs, and life in my veins.

I want to live for you.

I want to learn for you.

I want to love for you.

My beloved, my everything, my perfect, beautiful partner in this broken world.

My love.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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