(Dewey immediately opened the door)

Dewey: give me  one good  reason  why I should  talk to you 

Samantha: I'm Billy Loomis's daughter

Dewey: that's a terrible  reason  for me to talk to you 

Owen: dad  you remember  Samantha right

Dewey: hi  it's been a while 

Samantha: me and Owen were attacked last night  at  the hospital     the night before   that   my sister  was  stabbed  seven times      I  know   you   know what that's like     I'm  just trying to protect  My family  

Owen: dad  just  please   five minutes

Dewey: come in    I'm  missing a  show I like 

(The three and Dewey go inside As they see  Gale's news show on tv playing)

Richie: Gale weathers   weren't you two

Dewey: yeah

Richie: (looking at Owen) and  your

Owen: yeah  my mother 

(As the three sat on the couch  while Dewey sat in a chair)

Dewey: (looking at Richie)  who's he

Samantha: this is Richie   my boyfriend

Dewey: how long  have you known  him

Samantha: six months 

Dewey: did  he  know   who  your dad was  when  you  met    express  any interest  in  woodsboro  or  the Ghostface  killings 

Richie: what the hell are you talking about

Dewey: your  killer's  obsessed  with  the  stab  movies  right     well  there are certain  rules   to  surviving a  stab  movie    believe me   I  know  
Rule number one   never trust the love interest     they seem  sweet  caring  supportive    then  welcome to  act  three    where  they're  trying to  rip your  head off

Richie: I was with  Sam  in Modesto 
When  Tara  was  attacked

Dewey: and  let me guess   you  were  just  in  the  other room    conveniently unaccounted  for   when  she and Owen 
Were  attacked  at  the hospital

Richie: do  I  have to take  this  from shitty  Sam  Elliot  over here or  what

Owen: easy 

Dewey: rule number two   the killer's motive  is   always  connected  to  something  in  the  past

Samantha: I'm  related to  Billy

Owen: and  I'm related to  (pointing at Dewey) you  and  Gail 

Richie:  right   but  then  why kill  that random  Vince  guy

Dewey: that's  for  you  to  figure out  and  rule number  three   and  this is  the  most  important   rule    the first victim  always  has  a  friend  group  that  the killer  is  a part  of    does  your sister  have  a  close-knit  group  of  friends

Samantha: yeah   she does

Dewey: then  look  for  the  killer there
If  you  can  find  out    why  they're doing  this      you can figure out  who's next

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