A Hero Emerges

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On the first day,

man was granted a soul,

and with it, clarity.

On the second day,

upon Earth was planted

an irrevocable poison;

a soul-devouring Demon.

King Allant the twelfth, by channeling the power of souls, brought unprecedented prosperity to his northern kingdom of Boletaria. That is until the colorless Deep Fog swept across the land. Boletaria was cut off from the outside world, and those who dared penetrate the Deep Fog never returned. But Vallarfax of the royal Twin Fangs broke free from the fog and told the world of Boletaria's plight. That the Old King had aroused the Old One, the great beast below the Nexus, from its eternal slumber. And that a colorless fog had swept in, unleashing terrible Demons. The Demons hunt down men and claim their souls. Those who lose their souls also lose their minds. The mad attack the sane, and chaos reigns. Vallarfax spoke of the enticing power of the Demon souls. Each time a Demon claims a human soul, the Demon's own soul is invigorated by the life force. And the power of a mature Demon Soul is beyond human imagination. The legend spread quickly. Mighty Warriors were drawn to the accursed land, but none have returned. Biorr of the Twin Fangs, Yurt the Silent Chief, Sage Urbain, Scirvir the Wanderer, the Sixth Saint Astraea and her knight Garl Vinland, and Sage Freke the Visionary. The colorless Deep Fog slowly creeps beyond Boletaria's borders. Humankind faces a slow and steady extinction. The Deep Fog will eventually swallow all lands near and far. But Boletaria has one final hope. A lone warrior who has braved the baneful fog... Has the land found its savior, or have the Demons found a new slave?

A figure can be seen walking through a seemingly empty void, the figure was wearing a full suit of armor, and he was the only thing that could be seen in this void. He did not know which direction he was walking, nor if he was even going in the right direction but he kept trending forward pushing himself deeper and deeper into the void, the only sound he could even hear was the sounds of his own footsteps trending through the small bit of water in the area. How long had he been walking for? Time didn't seem to move in this place, almost as if it didn't exist, but this didn't hinder him as it did many others, he continued to press. This did not go unnoticed, as a voice spoke startling him as he quickly glanced around and noticed that he was still the only one there, the voice was feminine and spoke softly to him, "Brave soul, who fears not death. I shall guide you so that you may lull the Old One back to slumber.", she said before a quick flash of light blinded the warrior, as a loud thunderous boom rang out, rattling him for a moment, and when he came to, he saw it.

A small fissure of sorts, a small bit of light shining in this endless void of darkness for a mere moment he questioned himself, he was afraid who wouldn't be? What exactly would be on the other side, what would be waiting for him on the other side? Many before him had ventured into the fog, many both stronger, smarter, and much more skilled than he was, yet they never returned and were seemingly lost to fog, would he be the same? Just another nameless figure who disappeared along with the rest of the poor fools who thought that they could be the ones to clear the fog? Doubt soon plagued his mind as he continued to think on this, he wasn't anything special not in the slightest, sure he had a sword and shield, as well as a suit of armor, but his blade had seen much better days as it was a bit dull and was chipped here and there, the shield was partially rusted and was quite flimsy, so he doubted it would really protect much. His armor was the standard set from where he was from, and what was somewhat considered high end, as it was pretty well protected covering most of his body including his head as he was wearing the helm, but despite this it was quite old and had few dents here and there as that was all that the blacksmith would give him, being as he was a poor farm boy he had spent all he had to get it, all of these things added up and it wasn't looking to be in his favor.

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