The Crimson Tyrant: Part 2

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*Ciel's POV*

We were all in the lounge as I was holding a spare blanket and pillow in my arms after I quickly went to get them. I told Ace to wait until I got back to explain what had happened as Grim stayed with him. Once I got back I checked to make sure that there were no dust on the sofa and chair as we sat down. Grim was on my shoulder as he was tired of floating for very long due to waking up early. Grim was looking at the collar with fear and annoyance as I never thought I would see that collar this quickly.

"I'd recognize that collar anywhere. It's the same one that psycho stuck on me at orientation!" Grim stated

"Yeah, and if I remember it seems the collar is able to prevent someone from using magic." I said as I was looking at the collar.

"What'd you do to get shackled with that?" Grim asked Ace

"I ate a tart." Ace said with an angered look

"You... ate a tart?" I asked in disbelief

'How does eating a tart get you in so much trouble that you got collared?!' I questioned in my head

"Yeah, that's it! That's all I did! I was a little hungry, see, so I went down to the dorm kitchen and found some tarts in the fridge. Three whole tarts! Big ones, too!" Ace explained

*Third POV*

"Man I'm still tired from our little adventure. I missed dinner, too, and now I'm starving! Got anything for me, fridge? ... Whoa, score! Tarts! Those look amazing! And plenty to go around, too! No one would notice if I snagged one teeeeensy little slice, right? Right. Of course not." Ace said with a smile as he takes one of the tarts and eats it.

"*munch* Mmph... SO good! I'm in pastry paradise right now!" Ace said with wide eyes

"Of course they're good. Trey made them. His tarts are always exceptional." Riddle said behind Ace.

"Yeah, but I mean... These are CRAZY good! LIke, he could sell these at- wait, Housewarden?!" Ace cried out in surprise as he turns to face Riddle.

"That you would think to touch something of MINE... Well, I'm impressed with your audacity, at least. But the Queen of Heart's rule 89 is quite clear. 'Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission.' The theft of tarts is a serious crime!" Riddle said as he raised his pen

"Off With Your Head!" Riddle said as he sent a spell at Ace

"Bwaaaaah!" Ace cried out as a collar appears around his neck.

*Ciel's POV*

Me and Grim were sitting there in silent as we didn't know what to say to what we were just told right now. I was trying to process the story in my head to make sure it makes sense as Grim just gave Ace a deadpanned look. Ace continued to talk while not noticing that me and Grim were giving him a deadpanned look. Though I try to not be rude so my face shifted to confusion with an awkward smile to avoid giving a negative stance.

"And... here I am." Ace said with his arms crossed

"....." Grim was silent, still with a deadpanned look

"....." I couldn't bring myself to say anything

"So... The point is you're both terrible?" Grim said with his paws on his hips

"You don't think that it's insane for my magic to get sealed away for eating ONE slice of tart?! For a mage, that's like having your arms and legs bound and shackled! And there were three whole tarts! THREE! It's not like he could eat 'em all himself! C'mon, you KNOW this is messed up!" Ace explained as he was getting even more annoyed, looking for us to agree with him.

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