Chapter 4

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When Chase awoke in the morning, he had to shield his eyes from the sunlight coming in through the sheer white curtains, golden beams casting into a room he didn't recognize as his own. It was at that moment that he remembered he hadn't fallen asleep at home. He glanced over to the Wren-shaped lump in bed next to him, his dark chestnut curls peeking out from under the covers. Chase smiled a little to himself, though he quickly wiped that off his face as the reality of what he'd done began to settle in. Fuck.

He took a deep breath, attempting to sit up so he could quietly get out of bed and just hope to pretend that none of it had happened, though as soon as he did, he couldn't hold back a pained whimper as a sharp ache shot up his back. At that, Wren stirred, his head moving up a bit and his eyes taking a few seconds to open. He looked over the still unclothed Chase with a slightly bleary and confused gaze, though after a moment he seemed to remember too.

"Morning," Wren said a bit awkwardly, slowly sitting up too. He didn't seem to have nearly as much trouble doing so as Chase, who was currently still trying to find a position to sit in that didn't make him feel like his back was about to give out on him.

"I should probably uh...go," Chase said, his face already tinted pink as he forced his legs onto the ground despite the pain and made an attempt to stand that caused him to gasp in a quick breath.

"Hey, hey, hey," Wren was quick on his feet, already seeing where this was going, so he quickly grabbed Chase just before his legs failed him and set him back on the bed. "Careful, you could have hurt yourself," He said, glancing around for a moment before he found his own underwear on the floor and passed Chase the ones that had been tossed down next to them.

"This coming from the man who practically tore my asshole in half," He said, glaring when Wren stifled a snort.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you asking me to stop," He said, giving a small smile to the boy on his bed who still looked rather annoyed at him. "Actually, you begged me to keep going, for three rounds."

Chase's face burned. "Shut up!"

"I gotta hand it to you, I had no idea you had that kind of stamina. I mean, you'd think for someone so tiny you could only go for so long, but I'm impressed."

"I hate you so much."

Wren grinned, nudging him slightly, though when Chase kept his serious expression, his smile faltered a little. "Do you really regret it?"

"I..." Chase started, though he realized the answer was more complicated than he wanted it to be. He knew he should just say yes. Of course, he regretted it, he'd slept with his brother's best friend, and Trey would hate him for all eternity, or he'd just look at him in that completely disappointed way that he did sometimes and Chase would feel awful from the inside out. The truth was, though, he didn't really regret it, and he felt worse for that. "I don't know."

"Would you do it again?" Wren asked, prodding a bit further.

"What kind of a question is that?"

"A relevant one."

Chase looked at him. "No. Fuck no. There is no way in hell we're doing that again. Wren, this never happened. I mean, if anyone found out about it-"

"Nobody needs to find out about it," Wren said with a smile that was far too calm and collected. Wren and his stupid overconfidence about everything.

Chase huffed, running his fingers through his hair. "Trey would find out. You know he would. He's too perceptive."

"No, Trey's a dumbass, you're just super obvious whenever you have something to hide."

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