Chapter 37

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Max didn't mind being the passenger this time. She wondered if they were going to join the brothers, but then the scenery got too familiar, and she knew he was taking her back to the house. She wasn't surprised to see Oquirrh already there and looking at wedding catalogs. It was a quarter to five and because of the late lunch, Max wasn't feeling hungry for a dinner that would be ready in a few hours.

"Hi guys!" Oquirrh greeted happily. She was lounging on the couch and wearing black capris and pink shirt with her long brown hair braided to one side. When Asahel didn't leave, her green eyes found them, and she looked from Max to Asahel.

Don't think I don't know what you're thinking Max thought.

"Do you want me to leave?" She asked before jumping to her feet, holding the catalog down at her side.

Asahel rolled his eyes at her. "I actually want to talk to you." He followed Oquirrh into the kitchen. Max was only a few steps behind.

"Me?" She was pleasantly surprised. "About what?" Her smile consumed her entire face.

"You're going to the banquet tomorrow night, right?"

She nodded, with dreamy eyes. "Are you?"

"That's not the point." He shook his head. "I need you to fix..." He looked over at Max. "That."

Oquirrh followed his gaze, "you mean Max?" she asked, almost defensively.

"Take her to get something nice for the banquet and get her all fixed up."

"I have clothes and I can fix myself up." Max scowled at him.

"No." Asahel glanced at her over his shoulder.

Oquirrh tried not to laugh, "I probably have something-"

"No." He frowned at her suggestion.

Oquirrh rolled her eyes but kept smiling, "okay fine. We'll get something new."

"Go to our stores and just put whatever she wants on my account."

"Oh..." Oquirrh gave him a look of surprise, "Okay."

"Oh, and no asking Max any questions." He pointed, "she's helping and it's none of your business." He reminded, "and if anyone else asks then she's a client and doesn't have to say anything without her lawyer present," he placed his hand on his chest. "Which is me."

"Okay," She smiled through her teeth.


The next day, they were scheduled to go to the salon that afternoon. In the meantime, Oquirrh took Max to a department store for the youth and young women customers. She sat outside the fitting room as Max tried different dresses on.

"Don't worry about not having the right shoes." Oquirrh called to her, "we can get those too."

"If you say so," Max sounded discouraged. At this point, she couldn't even count the number of dresses and outfits Oquirrh threw at her to try. There were a few Max picked out herself but then seeing her reflection had her questioning her own sense of fashion. "This is the last one. What if we can't find anything we like?"

"This isn't our only store." Oquirrh sat up straight as soon as the latch released.

Max stepped out, receiving a wide-eyed stare from Oquirrh. She looked herself over the best she could, running her palms down the silk dress.

"Spin around. Let me see the back." Oquirrh stared.

"Uh, ok..." Max looked over her shoulder at her reflection before turning around so Oquirrh could see. Black fabric strung across her back, revealing her shoulder blades and parts of her ribs. "It's weirdly comfortable and doesn't feel like it's going to fall off like some of the others."

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