Chapter 36

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Asahel liked watching Max from the passenger seat. He could tell she really enjoyed driving the Mercedes more than his other car Rick had gifted him years ago. He watched as she let the steering wheel spin and graze her fingers. She had complete control, no matter what speed she was going. Because it wasn't her car, she was gentle and didn't drift around.

"Did I hurt you this morning?" He asked when he noticed her left hand being light on the wheel.

"Um, no-what?" She glanced at him.

"Your hand." He pointed.

She closed her left hand above the wheel, "it's having a hard time healing because I always use it." She admitted, showing the now shallow white cut. "I'm fine though. Are we almost there?"

"This next exit." He answered.

He wasn't sure what took over him that morning. When he smelled the hoodie she gave him, something unlocked. The smell was her and she was right there in front of him. So, he wanted the real thing. His lips twitched at the thought of being against her skin. He didn't even think of what she might do but now he realized she could've easily disabled him. The fact that she didn't, told a lot about how she felt about it.

His body was warming up again and he was glad he wasn't wearing a jacket with his button-down shirt. He's never felt like this with anyone, and he started to wonder why. He's had countless opportunities over the years to get close to a girl. There had been a few that he wondered about, but life in rank got in the way. Almost like Rick was keeping him busy on purpose.

Rick. Even with France still around, Rick has always acted like a father and mentor to Asahel. He took him under his wing long before Asahel ever joined rank. When it came to Asahel and his brothers, Rick was always in line with France, and vice versa. They worked together to make sure the boys had a solid foundation and future. Because of this, Asahel had everything he needed like a job, a position to serve in the church, or a way to finish school. Those were some of the busiest years of his life. Things have gotten busier, but now Asahel didn't have to worry about school because Rick and France had encouraged him to get it done and over with sooner, rather than later.

Having all of the degrees he had gave Asahel many work opportunities. He knew if he kept doing well with all of his responsibilities, opportunities for him would only grow, whether it be with the church in the group, or his career. There was something missing though. Even with all of his successes, his life was starting to feel off balance.

France had always told him he had to be balanced in every part of his life. Work, church or spiritual, and even personal or in some cases, family. Asahel didn't have a family of his own, so he stepped in whenever he could to help his father and mothers. He felt like things were going well enough there too. Still, with their father aging and things changing, then Asahel felt like something was missing.

He looked at Max quietly, thinking about her. She was nineteen. He was ten when she was born. A whole lifetime ago. Their lives were different and had somehow collided. Would their paths eventually part? His heart clenched at the thought. Why did he want her around?

The dream he had about her was short and simple. The only reason he remembered it was because she was in it. They were cleaning guns, getting ready for a job and she was assigned to go with him. There wasn't anything incredible about it, except that she was there. The thought of her being with him relaxed him. It didn't feel wrong either and all of Rick's nonsense was starting to make more sense.

"We're almost there, right?" Max asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"The gated building at the end of the road." He answered, still looking at her. She must know he was staring. If she couldn't feel his eyes on her, then maybe she was in her own thoughts. What was she thinking? What did she want?

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