Jacob-I'm Jacob Perez and he's Daniel we are two totally different people

London-you promise

Jacob- baby that's what I'm giving you the ring

London- I don't know

Jacob-*grabs her hand*babe please... this is my way of showing you that I love you

London- okay*kisses him*

Jacob-now lets eat

London-where are we going

Jacob-where ever you wanna go

London-well you know I'm in love with TGI Fridays

Jacob-it's a date then

London-why you ain let Roc stay

Jacob- because you see him enough already

London- so you jealous

Jacob-no because I have you and he doesn't

London-yeah that's why

Jacob-lets go

We walked out of the door and I got into his car. After about 10 minutes of driving and making turns we had finally arrived at TGI Fridays. We were seated and asked what would we like to drink.

London- I would like a strawberry margarita

Jacob- I just want a glass of beer

London- no you gotta drive home

Jacob- I won't over do it

London- whatever and waiter, can you give him a water on the side

Waiter- sure and will that be all


The waiter left and then after a few minutes she returned with our drinks.

Jacob-you're really pretty

Waiter-thanks *blushing* what would you like for you main course

Jacob- I want the Jack Daniels burger with extra bacon and a side of fries

London-same*with an attitude*

Waiter-okay I'll be back

Jacob- what's wrong with you

London-you flirted with her right in front of my face

Jacob- I did not flirt

London- yes you did

Jacob- I gave her a compliment. don't you think she deserved it. She has probably been working in this place all day

London-well don't do that right in front of my face

Jacob-so you want me to start doing stuff behind your back

London- don't do it at all

Jacob- I do what the hell I please

London-well show some respect in front of your girlfriend. you dragged me out here to disrespect me.

Jacob- I was just being nice

London- nice my ass

The waiter came back with the food and I told her to but mine in a to go plate. Jacob decided to sit down and eat his food. once the waiter returned with my food I got into the car and I ate all alone until Jacob came out of the restaurant. I was still eating when he got in the car without saying a word. He got onto the highway and we pulled up to a red light. then when the light turned green he sped off and my food spilled all over me.

London- oh my god Jacob why do you have to be such a prick

Jacob-and why do you have to be such a bitch

The rest of the ride was silent until he pulled up to his driveway. He got out of his car and ran to the front door. Just as I was about to enter, he slammed the door and locked it. I immediately began banging on the door.

London-come on Jacob don't be childish just let me in

He didn't reply.

London-at least let me get my keys

I heard the door unlock and then I opened the door. I went to the kitchen and grabbed my keys. As I was about to walk out of the door Jacob grabbed my hand.

Jacob- babe I'm sorry

London- I don't have time for yo-

I was interrupted by Jacob slapping me hard

London-* crying* I knew you wouldn't change*hands him the promise ring*

I ran out of the door and sped to my house. I closed the door and locked it. Then I slid down while my back was against the door and I cried hysterically. I noticed that o had a missed call. It was from Chres. I decided to call him back.

<Phone Convo>

L- hey*crying*
C-what's wrong
L- me and Jacob had an altercation
C-I'm on my way
L-no I'm fine
C-I'm still on my way

<end of phone convo>

After a couple of minutes I heard a knock at my door. it was Chres of course. He rushed in and picked me up bridal style and carried me up to my bed. He covered me with my sheets and asked me what happened.

London- well I felt like Jacob was flirting with the waiter at TGI Friday and he got mad and when we arrived at home he locked me out. then I asked to get my keys and he unlocked the door. then he apologized and I told him that I didn't wanna hear it and the he..... he uhh...he uhm

Roc-what did he do

London- he slapped me


London- please don't get mad

Roc- I won't

Roc got into bed with me and wrapped his warm arms around me. He kissed I my forehead and wiped away my tears. I was lucky to have a friend like him. He told me to go to sleep and that's what I did. I felt comfortable with him.

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