Chap. 11

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They were at Hopper's place before Theodore knew it

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They were at Hopper's place before Theodore knew it.

Jonathan carried Will out of the car. As he did, the rest of them grabbed all the heaters from outside. Theodore placed his heaters on the table in front of Will and stood staring at the boy for a moment.

He looked so pretty while he was peaceful.

"Theodore, can you come outside and help me with this?" He heard Nancy ask.

Theodore's eyes drift away slowly to meet Nancy's. He nods and follows her to the back.

He picks up the first block of wood when Nancy says something. "Is there something between you and Will?"

The wood stuttered out of his hands. "What do you mean?"

"Like a relationship?" Nancy suggested.

Theodore picked up two pieces of wood instead of one. "Of course, we have a relationship. We're best friends." Theodore didn't want to answer any more of her questions, so he headed inside.

He shoved the pieces onto the others and walks towards the Byers'. Will was being efficiently tied down, Joyce and Jonathan being the ones to do so.

Joyce looks up at him while securing one of Will's arms. "Why don't you start setting up the heaters?"

He obliges, grabbing the two heaters he had set down and placing them at a good angle. As he did, Nancy placed her wood in the fire and started to help him set up the heaters. When they were done, so were Jonathan and Joyce.

They all stood in front of Will, doing nothing to heat up the room or wake the boy yet. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan voiced.

"This thing has had Will long enough," Joyce told him. "Let's kill the son of a bitch."

The matches that Nancy had given Theodore earlier were resting in his hand, and he opened them. He lit up the fire and breathes heavily. He could already feel the sweat coming on. As he did that, everyone else turned on the heaters.

Theodore shed his extra layers of clothing, as did everyone else. He wiped the sweat off his face with his jacket and then threw it on the couch. It was getting hot in here really fast.

It didn't take long for Will to wake up after that.

The boy pulled on his restraints and tried to sit up. Of course, he was unable to. "What's happening?" He questioned. "It hurts. It hurts!" He said this, but nobody did anything to aid his pain. It felt wrong to treat Will like this, but Theodore had to remind himself that this wasn't Will.

Will continued to scream, and no one moved.

Not until Joyce began to boost the heaters to their max. It was already so hot in here, but Theodore didn't want to leave. He didn't want to leave Will. And neither did anyone else.

Joyce brought one of the heaters closer to Will and the screaming became worse. Theodore wrapped his arms around himself and reminded himself that this would bring Will back.

Theodore couldn't watch this anymore.

"It's not working," Jonathan said. "Mom, are you listening to me?"

"Just wait!" Joyce shouted.

"How much longer?" Jonathan inquired. "Look, look at him!"

"Jonathan, just wait!"

"You're killing him!" Jonathan screamed.

Theodore couldn't listen to this any longer, either. He brought his hands to his ears to muffle the sounds, but kept his eyes open.

Jonathan began to turn down the heaters, but Joyce turned them up again. They looked like they were going to have a yelling match. Theodore closed his eyes briefly and opened them again to look at Will. He looked so dreadful. Theodore closed his eyes again.

"His neck!" He heard Nancy yell. Theodore opened his eyes immediately and dropped his hands. The veins on Will's neck were pulsating and had turned black. This must've been a sign he was getting better. Theodore hoped it was.

Will's body began to shake violently and a screeching noise, which sounded vaguely familiar, collapsed him. He broke out of one of the restraints, and Joyce was instantly on him, restraining him herself. But it didn't do anything in her favor when Will began to choke her.

Jonathan and Theodore were at her aid at once. They gripped Will's arm, trying to use their strength to pull him away, but it did nothing as Will was still too strong.

But Nancy quickly grabbed a hot rod and stabbed Will's side. The boy instantly let go and they broke away from him.

Except for Joyce, she continued to hold him down. "Get the hell out of my son!" she screamed.

Will began quivering even more harshly than before and Joyce got off of him. The screeching sounded more pained, too.

Then, finally, something began to exit through Will's mouth. This dark thing flew into the air. It was large enough to surprise Theodore at its size. And looks. The thing was undefinable. Theodore had never seen anything like it.

And before Theodore could examine it anymore, it busted the locked door open and fled. Nancy had followed it out, but he couldn't even focus on that.

Will was better now. That thing was gone and Will was better now.

Joyce, Theodore, and Jonathan immediately pulled the restraints off of Will's sleeping body and crowded him once they were done. Silently begging that the boy would wake up and show them he was alive.

Will whimpered and his eyes opened. Theodore could feel his heart beating again.

The mother and son hugged and sobbed into each other. Theodore and Jonathan soon joined them.

Happy Birthday Will.

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