Chap. 1

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Theodore, Kelly, and Casey sit at their dining room table, happy with how all was turning out so far

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Theodore, Kelly, and Casey sit at their dining room table, happy with how all was turning out so far. Casey and Kelly were playing a board game. Since Theodore hadn't bothered to listen to the instructions so he couldn't play. Plus, Ms. Joyce was coming to pick him up so he could go to the planned arcade trip with the others. It's what he had all this money for, four dollars in quarters.

Kelly moved her icon two spaces up. "You can't do that, Kelly." Casey protested. Her complaining had become a common occurrence since the two had started the game.

"Why not?" Kelly implored curiously.

"You have to roll the die first," Casey told her. Kelly forgetting to do an action was a common happening as well.

"Oh yeah," Kelly muttered. She moved the icon back and rolled the die. It displayed six, so she moved six places.

The doorbell rang, and Theodore immediately knew who it was. Will. Will always came with Joyce when she planned to drive Theodore somewhere. Today they would be hanging out at the Byers' house. Theodore stood up. "I'll see you guys later," he said.

"Yeah," Casey replied, too focused on watching the die she rolled to give him the time of day. But he only smiled even if it was slightly.

He walked to the door and opened it–and just as he expected–it was Will. "Hey," Theodore greeted.

"Hi," Will responded with a small wave. Theodore and Will had become much closer ever since Will came back from the Upside Down, despite the awkwardness they were sharing now. They hung out a lot more than they ever did before and it made Theodore happy.

Theodore walked out, making sure to shut the door behind him. Will led him to the car in silence and they both got into the back seat, sitting side by side. Once they were both buckled in, Joyce started driving to her house. "How are you and your sisters, Theodore?" Joyce asked.

"We're all good. Thank you for asking," Theodore told her.

"Of course, sweetheart." She replied. And the car ride was silent for a bit more before Joyce started to question them again. "What are you planning on doing once you get to the house?" Joyce questioned curiously. "Don't you have something to show him, Will?"

"Mom!" Will exclaimed, out of embarrassment and astonishment. "It was supposed to be a surprise." He informed her. Theodore could start to feel another smile form on his face as he looked down at the carpet of the car.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't know," Joyce responded to his interjection.

"I just made you a drawing. It's really nothing special," Will whispered to him.

Theodore nodded, finally looking up at Will to see Will's red face. A full-fledged smile almost made it to Theodore's face. He liked seeing Will like this. "I'm sure it's great." He commented. "What's the drawing, anyway?"

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