Chap. 5

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Theodore treads up the steps to his house, scratching at his arms through his coat in despair

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Theodore treads up the steps to his house, scratching at his arms through his coat in despair. He opened and shut the door in complete silence and just stood there. His hand still clutched around the doorknob tightly, refusing to turn around because his sisters were right there. He didn't want them to see him like this. But it was inevitable as they were walking this way.

Casey brought herself around to his side slowly, to make sure Theodore could see her, so she didn't startle him. Theodore looked at her from the corner of his eye but was quick to look away when he saw the concern ridden on her face. She said something, but he couldn't hear her over the newfound buzzing in his head.

He brought his head down to the doorknob, resting it somewhat comfortably on his hand. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He took a deeper breath and opened his eyes again. He shifted his head to look at Casey. She looked as if she was waiting for this moment. "Theo, can you hear me?" She asked. He nodded. "Okay, good." She stepped closer and took his free hand in her own. "Can you tell me why you're crying?"

His teeth raked against his bottom lip, and he shook his head. He'd tell her when he was in a better mindset if she didn't find out from something else. She rubbed at the back of his hand with her thumb.

"Can I give you a hug? You look like you really need it." She implored softly. He nodded. Casey dropped his hand and wrapped her arms around him. It felt like wonders and he felt momentarily calm in her arms. He let himself fall into her, allowing his head to meet her shoulder, then wrapping his arms around her. Soon enough, he felt a smaller pair of arms wrap around him. This was fine.

"Do you wanna finish the movie with us?" A new, just as soft, voice asked. He nodded. They stayed like that for a bit longer, then let go of each other and headed to the couch.

The night just got a lot better.

Theodore woke up the next day feeling warmer than he did yesterday. To paint the picture, his head was on the side of the couch and Kelly had his arm in a death grip. Her body heat was keeping him much warmer than yesterday. Despite feeling so warm outwardly, he didn't feel as good as he usually did. He missed Will.

He was quickly distracted by the television that was still on, blaring in front of him. He was also slowly starting to feel an uncomfortable knot form in his neck.

Soft steps slowly crept closer; Casey. She rested her arms on the back of the couch and stared at the TV in front of her. "You slept later than usual." She commented. He nodded in response and glanced at the box as well. It displayed the news channel. They were talking about Will and since he didn't want to be reminded of what he saw last night, he looked away. "How 'bout you just stay in today? I'll pick up that candy you like on the walk home at the corner store."

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