Chap. 4

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Casey and Kelly were heading to school, and he had made himself breakfast

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Casey and Kelly were heading to school, and he had made himself breakfast. Now all he was just waiting on was one thing. And he was taking an annoyingly long time.

Dustin arrived with an old hat and the boy himself was wet and sweaty. "Why are you wet?" Theodore inquired in a mildly concerned manner.

"I took a shower before coming here," Dustin answered. It didn't explain why his clothes were wet. Did he take a shower in his clothes or something?

"Let's go."

Dustin huffed out an exhausted sigh. "Yeah."

The bike ride was slow and the longer it took, the more Theodore felt like dead weight. So he offered to do the biking instead. And after two times, Dustin agreed. The ride was a little faster after that because Theodore had a lot more energy than Dustin.

They both made it to Michael's house, and now Theodore was parking the bike next to Lucas'. "You bring him everywhere like he's your new puppy," Lucas commented to Dustin, clearly talking about Theodore.

"He's my friend. His only other friend is Will. I want to give him a chance." Dustin told Lucas.

"That isn't our problem. We're looking for Will. He needs to go."

"He's too far deep in the hole now, Lucas." Lucas scoffed at Dustin's remark and left to go inside. Dustin sighed but smiled at Theodore like the other hadn't heard the whole conversation. "Let's go inside." Theodore nodded.

They entered the house and were lucky enough not to catch Mrs. Wheeler. The two quickly made it downstairs and stood behind Lucas, staring at Eleven. Then, moving over to the table, Lucas and Michael were waiting for them—Dustin.

Michael had a plan; "operation Mirkwood". It was where they would use Eleven to find Will, a good enough plan for now. A plan that wasn't too complicated and was easy for Theodore to understand. In his mind, that was a good plan.

Michael also had a façade that would cover what they were actually doing. They'd tell their parents there was AV club. Theodore was not in AV club but it didn't matter. His mother wouldn't care anyway.

"You seriously think the weirdo knows where Will is?" Lucas asked.

"Just trust me on this, okay?" Michael told him.


"Did you bring the supplies?" Michael queried. At first, Theodore was confused, but then he remembered at some point the other night Michael wanted them to bring supplies for the plan. When he had gone into further details about how the operation would go. Theodore didn't bring anything.

"Yeah," Lucas answered, grabbing stuff out of his bag and naming them as he set them down. Binoculars, an army knife, a hammer, a camouflage bandana, and his wrist rocket.

"You're gonna take out the Demogorgon with a slingshot?" Dustin questioned cryptically.

"First of all," Lucas started, "it's a wrist rocket. And second of all, the Demogorgon's not real. It's made up. But if there is something out there, I'm gonna shoot it in the eye..." Lucas pulled on the elastic like he had an imaginary rock and shot it, successfully scaring Michael and Dustin. "and blind it." He finished.

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