V: Weight Of The World

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If anything else he actually enjoyed drawing her face, it was simple and cute. Her curious large eyes seemed to pop into life despite being a simple drawing on a sheet of paper. He figured it really went to show how lively and animate of a person Hado was. And to his surprise he was finding this little interaction between the two of them to be more pleasant than he thought. Strangely he's realized that he feels calm, almost comfortable with her presence beside him, safe even? Perhaps safe was a little too much of a stretch but he didn't feel that tendency to tuck his tail between his legs and scamper off to spare himself the embarrassment. So what changed?

Was it her? Or did he simply accept the fact that he wouldn't have to change at all for her? He didn't know but he certainly wasn't going to complain.



From his left came the soft noise of Hado sighing, Midoriya glancing to the side and seeing the third year squishing her left cheek over the nest of her forearms with slightly closed eyelids. "Hado-senpai, you're not falling asleep are you?"

"Mmno, I just like the sound you're making right now." Hado sighed comfortably. "The pencil across the paper, it's oddly comforting to hear it when everything around you is so quiet. It's why I like the library a lot."

"Oh. Makes sense."

"Do you have anything that's oddly comforting to you?"

"Um, not that I can think of off the top of my head. When I was younger and I needed some sort of comfort in my life, I'd rewatch All Might videos even the ones I've watched over ten times already. I guess that would be an odd comfort for me."

"Do you have any other heroes you like besides All Might?"

"Not really, not saying all the other heroes are bad or anything but my whole life I've always looked up to All Might, so I never had a chance to branch out much and look up to other heroes the way I did with him. And you?"

"I loooove Ryukyu." Hado chuckled as she watched the pencil tip curve into her face, the early signs of her right bang etching on the paper. "I think she's really awesome, and cute too I think Ryukyu's cute."

"Y-Yeah." Midoriya agreed, emphasizing slightly darker lines into Hado's right bang. "She's good looking I'll give her that. It's the short hair for me."

"Who do you think you're gonna work under once the Work Studies come back? Any names you wanna work with?"

"Not really, I don't know when they'll bring back Work Studies so I don't think about them much. I just think about what comes and when it comes."

"Yeahhhh, true to that. But you know, I think after the recent operation with Eri you have a much better chance of bigger heroes scouting you to work with them than you did before. No doubt all the big hero names saw what you did against Overhaul, I'm sure you'll get an offer sooner than later. You're definitely a lot more improved with your Quirk than you were earlier in the year. Hey hey random question, do you sometimes feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?"

Midoriya's pencil stopped in it's scribbling, eyes widening a bit at the sudden turn of the mood. "That came out of nowhere."

"Sorry, intrusive question that made it out here." Hado chuckled cutely, her cheeks puffing like she was a gerbil or hamster. "Cause I won't lie sometimes when I'm out there, it does feel like my shoulders are heavy from something I can't explain it. Just wondering if you've ever felt that."

"I um, I-I have but, not when I'm doing any sort of hero work. I have those....days."

"How so?"

"Just....You know, stuff, getting to me and all that. I wouldn't say I'm depressed or anything like that but, I do have days where I wake up and wonder if anything would change if I decided to get out of bed. I guess it wouldn't really be a weight on my shoulders but rather on my chest if that makes sense. And ever since getting into U.A, I've noticed that I have those kinds of days more often than before. Feels like something's weighing me down and I don't want to move against it.

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