I'll always be there

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PromptSophie gets hurt and Hort is trying to stop the bleeding, but he can't so Sophie passes out and Hort is there crying leaning over her trying to wake her up, Sophie never wakes up.

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"Hold on Sophie, please, I can help you" Hort pleaded, holding his rolled up shirt against Sophie's wound. I can't lose her, I can't. I'm nothing against her.

The last war the schools had left many injured, and many dead, one of those people injured happened to be Sophie. The School Dean.

Sophie got shot with an arrow, and without really thinking about it, she pulled it out of her side. Blood poured out of her faster, she felt more pain in her side, she searched the forest looking for any sign of Hort.

In the distance she noticed him, checking on other kids, making sure they were okay. 

"Hort darling!" she called out he ran over to her fast as soon as he seen her and wrapped his arms around her. "Sophie, you're okay" he said relieved.

"Of course I am, Hort sweetie even an arrow to the stomach doesn't stop me"

"arrow to the stomach? but I don't see any..." that's when he noticed the arrow in her hand and the big red stain on her purple Dean's uniform.

 "Sophie NO!" Hort cried when he realized what she's done "don't you know you're not supposed to take the object out!?"

"They never taught us that in school" she shrugged "and an arrow through the stomach doesn't look good with the outfit"

"let me help you, please" he continued to cry, trying to press more against her injury.

"Goodness Hort have some self-respect, you're starting to sound like the Weasel that used to try to get my attention" she teased

"I still am that, I'm still that same looser that's madly in love with you Sophie"

Sophie reached up to his face and smiled at him "yeah, maybe you are. But you're MY loser now"

"I guess so" he said forcing out a laugh. He continued to apply pressure to the wound, but Sophie was bleeding out and fast. Not like her walking to him to pulling the arrow helped but it went through to the other side, too bad to heal. Secretly Hort knew she'd soon be gone, but he wasn't ready for Goodbyes.

Sophie brought his face down closer to her, "Listen darling, in my chambers there is an envelope. When you get back to the school open it and do what it says" she instructed. Neither of them realized how weak and closer to sleep that Sophie was getting.

She started humming quietly, pulling Hort closer to her face. "Sophie I gotta get you back to the school where you'll be helped. p-p-please let me help you- S-Sophie?" 

she wasn't responding. . . SHE WASN'T RESPONDING

Hort ran through the forest looking for Professor Dovey, Tedros, Agatha for anyone to help. There was no sign of any of them. He ran down a way he thought he recognized but the woods seemed to grow longer and wider with more trees and soon enough he forgot which way he came from.

Look at what you've done now you idiot! YOU'VE LOST YOUR TRUE LOVE! How do you misplace a person? You failed

he tried working backwards, tried recognizing any trees or bushes that he may find familiar, maybe some arrows

"crap, Sophie! Sophie!" he called out

she's dead moron, SHE'S DEAD

"N-n-no she- she can't be d-"

"she can't be what?" a female voice asked

Hort spun around on his heel to face the voice "who's there?" he asked but didn't see anyone. It wasn't her you fool, you're hallucinating. He felt a hand grab his shoulder.

He turned to face the person and saw Sophie standing there, real as ever. "S-S-Sophie? is that really you?" he asked.

"Yes darling, it's me" she said, the Sophiest way that she could. The way that he loved. 

"S-so you're alive! I didn't loose you and we can rule the school and get married and be happy forever and-" he was stopped. Sophie looked at him sadly. "Darling, don't lie to yourself" she said gently. "But you're here with me now. You can't- you can't be dead" he choaked as tears filled his eyes.

"Hort, darling. We had a great time while we were together and those will always stay in my heart" she squeezed his hands. "But I can't find you, or anyone else. Sophie please, I'm nothing without you my own kingdom hates me" he sobbed until he couldn't feel her hands, that's when he realized that he was back where he found her.

Sophie laid there paler than before, eyes open, she didn't seem to be at peace at all. Hort helped her close her eyes then picked her up bridal style and took her down the path until he reached the school.

He met up with Professor Dovey, Tedros and Agatha, he told them about the letter and asked someone to retrieve it for him, the three left and gave him some space to say goodbye.

"Sophie even though it took me what felt like forever to win your heart it was worth it, the chase was always worth it and I will never regret that. I love you" he placed one last kiss to her lips before the group came back to take Sophie and left Hort alone with the letter.

Hort, even though it pained him that this letter would be the last he ever heard (or read) of Sophie decided to open the letter.

Dear Hort,

My darling, my strong man-wolf, my little weasel. If you are reading this letter it is probably because I died in the battle protecting our school and students. Funny isn't it? I've always wanted someone else protecting me but even now as Dean of Evil I am protecting my students. But of course there is you my one and only prince (even if you aren't really a prince) I feel like I've always taken you for granted in the years that we've known each other and now our time together was cut short by the real villain. If I'm going to be honest I still don't think I deserve you afterall I wasn't the best with you before I opened my heart to you. But you have taught me how powerful Villains love can be and how special it is and Hort of Bloodbrook I believe that we are true love. Because every waking moment I knew that the first person I wanted to see was you, I'll always be grateful for what you've given to me and I thank you for it. Before I finish this letter I have one request for you, I know it may be hard but you are the only man I trust for this, please protect the school as the new Dean of Evil.

I will always remember our love we shared and please don't let this keep you from using that big beautiful heart again.

With love,
Sophie of Bloodbrook

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A/N: so that's the end of this one, a bit of a sad one and I was debating on if I should bring Sophie back or not but I wanted a more sad ending for this one so I can save room for the happier ones.

Please comment what you think feedback is always appreciated and please excuse the crappy writing I usually write these when I have free time so I don't usually change things up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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