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I didn't mean for it to happen

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I didn't mean for it to happen.

(Screams tear through the air as the temple is bathed in flames. Smoke fills Fu's lungs as he stands, drowned in fear and regreat. Frozen in horror as he watches from the opposite side of a door, as a blue creature devours )

I just wanted to eat something, I was hungry.

(One of the Monks spotted his frozen form, "What are you doing, Fu? Take the Miracle Box and leave!" he screams. The senti-monster turns its head in his direction, growling as it flicks its tongue. "Protect it with your life.")

If I had just waited, then it would never have happened.

(Every cell in his body screamed to run, to flee, but he stood there petrified in fear. The sentimonster, sensing his position advanced towards him and Fu's life flashed before his eyes, the world around him forgotten.)

They wouldn't have died, and all those other miraculous' would've never been eaten.

(Suddenly he felt pain in his forehead, and a cool liquid dripped from his head. He touched his head unconsciously,only to be greeted with his own blood. Realizing he was able to move again, Fu grabbed the box and fled. Blood pumping adrenaline coursing through his veins as he runs farther away from the screams, the order, from everything.)

What happened was because of me, created by me.

(And the beast followed.)

They're gone because of me.

(He continued to run onto the snow floor, white all he could see. Even as the cold winds whipped harshly across his face and his fingers numbed from how tightly he held onto the Miracle box. He continued on.)

Now it seems karma has caught up to me and what's left for me is to accept it.

(The sentimonster chased after him, hot on his tail. Fu did not even so much as take a glance over his shoulder as he maneuvered away from the sentimoster's attacks, dodging anything that would've slowed him down. Even as a split in the mountain appeared he jumped over it with no hesitation.)

And because of that I must do this, I'm sorry I can not stay with you longer.

(It wasn't until he noticed the lack of attacks on him and monstrous shrieks did he dare to look back. Fu bracing himself turned and let out a relieved sigh, at the absence of the sentimonster. Rubbing his cold nose, Fu continued forward into snowy winds.)

Forgive Me.

(And when it cleared he was gone, the miracle box along with him.)


"Merci bien." Queen thanked Mrs.Cheng softly with her order in hand. Her expression blank as her chocolate brown eyes scanned the pâtisserie as if searching.

"Looking for Marinette?" Mrs.Cheng asks. Her voice has its usuals gentle tone though there's a slightly apologetic note mixed in it. Queen paused and focused her attention back on Mrs. Cheng.

"Is Marinette not here?" she asked and Mrs.Cheng shook her head."No, she is. It's just that she has a small cold."

"Oh," Queen chewed her bottom lip. 'If she's sick then she can't possibly come with her to the movies'. And if she doesn't come then Queen will be forced to end up third-wheeling Ivan and Mylène.

Not that she minded, but she was looking forward to it.

After all, it'll be the first time she'd go to the cinéma.

With a sigh, Queen dug into her pocket and pulled out Marinette's ticket."Can you tell Marinette that I said 'I hope she gets better.', Mrs. Cheng."

Mrs. Cheng nodded, giving her a smile as Queen gave her the ticket. "Don't worry dear, I will. Oh and tell your parents I said Hi."

Queen's lips curled up a little as she nodded, giving her a wave as she made her way toward the door. "Bye."

"Goodbye dear, see you soon." Mrs.Cheng said, waving back.

Queen waved back for good measure before opening the door.

And when she walked out she stepped into what could be described as a warzone. Cars were filled upside down, pieces of the road torn apart, projectiles were being thrown haphazardly, and there was so much noise.

And in the middle of it was Chat Noir and Carapace fighting-

"Run an Akuma!"Some screamed, narrowly dodging a street lamp being thrown at them.

Yeah, that.

Queen sighed.

When she thought she could catch a break, Le papillon just had to akumatize someone.

"Whoever you are, Le papillon, I hope you slip and bust your head.", she cursed under her breath before running to somewhere she could safely transform.

", she cursed under her breath before running to somewhere she could safely transform

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𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴: 761

An: Happy New years!! 

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