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Cast away, all the enemies of yesterday
To alleviate, all the memories that come our way
There's a better life, now you know that I am on your side
Your beady eyes, burn a hole right through the back of mine
I am out of time

I'm an ordinary man
Like everybody else
Just a common counterfeit
I'm an ordinary man

Hesitate, while the world is just a step away
To recreate, all the innocence that time can take
I am wide awake
I'm an ordinary man
Like everybody else
Just a common counterfeit
I'm an ordinary man

I'm an ordinary man
Like everybody else
Just a common counterfeit
I'm an ordinary man
I'm an ordinary man

-Breaking Benjamin-Ordinary Man-2004-


"So that's what the wand does," I marvel as Rachel burned one of those vampires after we slowed it down with bullets. Now we have a strategy, as long as the wand held up.

"I found out that fire was effective after I ran into Corporal Lee in the pit," she admits. "Using the UV wand to save Nick was an educated guess."

"Well, it worked out for us," Nick huffs as we catch our breath.

Not too long after we had left the temple, we were attacked by a few of those freaks. Joey shared his findings with Nick and Rachel about the vampires, and it was a good thing that he did because Rachel had thought of the UV wand she had found in the pit she had fallen in.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I tell her. I knew that their marriage was over, but that didn't mean that she didn't care about Eric.

"Thanks, Merwin," she says with a small smile.

I nod to her as Nick and Joey fall into step beside me as we keep moving.

"Were the lovebirds alright, when you found them?" I asked Nick.

"They're doing more than okay," Nick chuckles. "Jason proposed."

"Wow," Joey whistles with a smile. "That's great!"

"That's gonna be one hell of a story!" I agreed. "Ah, hell yeah, I'm planning the bachelor party when we get out of here!"

"Ah..." Nick falters. "Yeah, about that..."

"What?" I wondered.

"Well, Jason said, and I quote, that the kind of bachelor party you would plan could get him killed."

"I-probably," I concede. "That little lady is vicious."

"We can plan it together," Nick amends.

"Deal," I accept. "No kidnapping pranks."

"If he doesn't shoot you on site, she will," Joey mutters.

"AJ in a dress?" Clarice chuckles. "Watch, she'll have combat boots underneath!"

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