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Once I saw that AJ was up and running, I saw one of the captives try to escape, and I trained my rifle on him. I'll be damned if anything else goes wrong on this mission!

"Get down on the ground, or I swear I'll put a fucking hole through you!" I threatened.

The shepherd turned his back and me and fled, hobbling on a bad leg. I aim my rifle at him, but I don't shoot. I'm not sure why, but I let him go.

"Fuck," I spat. "Doesn't anyone speak English anymore?"

As soon as I lower my weapon, I hear one cock behind me. Son of a bitch.

"You better not miss," I warn him, taking a steadying breath.

Where was AJ with those throwing knives when you needed her? I've seen her throw them in the craziest ways. Hold on, why am I thinking of her with a rifle at my back? I'm not dying here. Not like this.

"No more killing," an accented voice decided.

Wait...what? I turned around to see the soldier that had me pinned lower his weapon. I didn't know what to think. The air was tense and thick between us. I can hear the battle go on a few yards from us. I risked a quick look around. I didn't see anyone else, and I couldn't read the expression under the Iraqi's helmet. Why did he hesitate?

Fuck...I decided to drop my rifle when he did the same. I guess we'll see who gets the kill first. I'm not buying that he called a truce. If he didn't want to kill, then why the hell is he in a war zone? This might be a tactic, but I have no choice except to play along.

Before I could figure out my next move, a violent tremor ripped through the ground beneath us! What the fuck was that? It was strong enough to bring my adversary to his knees, and I barely maintained my balance. When I thought it was over, it came back stronger than before. This time, the ground began to break, and we plunged into the darkness.


...They're shipping me elsewhere...


The way that op went down...they think we saved each other because of...

They can't be serious? We couldn't predict a suicide bomber!

...They don't see it that way...


"Jason!" an urgent voice hissed. "Hey-"

"Fuck," I groaned as pain radiated through every cell in my body.

Wherever I landed, it was dark. It looks like a cave of some sort. I coughed hard, seeing flecks of sand come up. Shit. I glance up at the ceiling of the cave, thankful that I haven't broken anything.

"There you are," Nick sighs in relief. "Can you stand?"

I took a couple of breaths through the pain before I moved to a sitting position. I give myself a few moments to get my bearings.

"Yeah, I'm good," I assert. "What about you, buddy?"

I stand after a few minutes, grabbing my rifle.

"I'm fine," Nick assures me.

"Where the hell are we?" I wondered.

This...doesn't look like an underground storage facility...this place looked hundreds of years old. There was a thick layer of sand on every surface here. We might be the first ones here in a long time.

Blood in the Sand (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now