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There was a time when we were inseparable—the so-called Marauders and me.

I mean, I guess we kind of still are. It's just that they're not all around anymore.

Peter is dead, James is dead, Sirius is in prison.

So that leaves Remus. And we're still close. We have to be, don't we? It would be ironic if we weren't.

But it's still so strange even though it's been this way for... what, over a decade now? We used to be a werewolf, a stag, a dog, a rat, and a cat. But it's down to just a werewolf and a cat now. Not that Remus lets me help with his transformation anymore. No, he says it's too dangerous.

I used to fight it but I don't anymore. Somehow, my cat form never got used to the loss of Peter, James, and Sirius. She still tries to catch their scents in the breeze. When I transform back into me, the loss feels even greater than it was before.

Everything fell apart that Halloween night. Sometimes I wonder how only Remus and I survived it. I guess I should be gratefel, though. He was the one who held me together. Without him...

There are rumors, though. Some people have been saying that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban. I've been trying not to think about it. Because Remus said I shouldn't. He thinks it might not be true still. I'm not so sure.

I've never really been sure about Sirius. It's like... I know he went to prison for what he did to James and Lily and Peter, but...

Sometimes I don't believe he did it. Remus said that he did. That he was seen killing Peter. So he must have been the one to betray all of us.

But I know something that no one else does.

Sirius and I were together that night when James and Lily died.

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