-Theres no team in alliance pt1-

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3rd person pov-

As Snowball walked away from the newfound 4 thing, looking for people to be on a team with, he had already made one decision: there would be no teaming with people like Pencil and Match.

Looking at one of the newcomers, Pie, who just happened to be in front of him at that moment, he asked "Hey Pie! How many people have you killed?". She looked around confused and said "Umm, none?" to which Snowball only replied "Wimp." and continued on to the next object he saw, asking the same question.

Finally he got to Lightning shouting at this point "Lightning! How many people have you killed?!". The floating object looked down in response "Sadly dozens..." in almost a whisper as Snowballs face lit up. "Yes! We're gonna go far Lightning, we're gonna go so far!" He started ranting as he pulled lightning to his side.

After a couple of minutes Lightning looked around and said "Well if you really want someone with that kind of attitude, go with Fanny, who absolutely hates everyone!" And slowly floated upwards. "Alright if you've got that hatred attitude that Lightnings talking about, I'll settle for it but the whole no arms thing, real letdown if I'm being honest." To which Fanny only replied: "I hate arms!" as Snowball gave a smirk.

A cool, strong team so far, and neither of the bossy little meanies, Pencil or Match. Maybe he could try to get a team with Eraser, Pen, or Blocky. Preferably all three but, one of them was already in a team.

The teams were filling up pretty quick though. So if he wanted to get a good team he should tell the others to start looking. Just as he was about to, the three of them were grabbed by flower and pulled into a sort of hug I guess you could call it with...

Pencil, Match, and their little followers.

Pencil and Match groaned in anger "Crudliestly? Like, Snowball?" Match said as Flower let us go. Snowball then turned to Flower and yelled "What the flake was that?!" as he and his team turned around to go find other objects. But, just as they began to walk away, he noticed that all the teams were filled and that the objects behind him was the only option.

(Sorry that's the last 3rd person)

Snowball pov also slight time skip-

As the first challenge ended, I walked off on my own to think. "Definitely one of the worst teams I could've had!" I thought aloud to no one in particular. I stopped for a second and truly thought about my team. Who knows what kind of torment the little alliance is gonna put the rest of the team through? Verbal or physical, I know they showed no mercy.

Like what they did to Fanny... it was cool to see Lightning do that though, even if it was just a command. I kept walking aimlessly. Still thinking about Lightnings cool Zappy-Thing. Not just that alone though. I was thinking about the other things he may be able to do as well. His powers plus the flying already puts us ahead with a huge advantage. And, well, just Lightning in general too.

He could be a really good friend. I really only just have Blocky, Pen, and Eraser so someone else could be pretty nice. Wait- I'm going soft?! Jesus! Look at what this team has already done to me!

I looked around to see if I could see anyone but, I was a far ways away from the competition grounds. I leaned my head back onto the tree just hard enough for it to hurt. I felt so drained all of a sudden. A little nap wouldn't hurt would it? Nah. I was about to try my luck at a nap when I herd an all to familiar voice ring in my ears.

Although, the words weren't directed at me, it was still annoying to hear their dumb voices. I stood up and walked close enough so I could hear them, but far enough to where I wasn't noticeable.

The little alliance were bullying Lightning and Fanny? MY team?! "What the flake!" I whisper yelled walking towards them from behind. Pencil saw me and said "Oh like, look. It's little Snowball coming to like, protect them!" She laughed at her remark as I folded my arms and gave the 4 a blank stare. "Just leave my team alone and do something else to please your excuses for lives." I said getting a gasp from the alliance in response.

"Um this is like, our team actually" Match started as I rolled my eyes "and you extras have to like, obey us and let us walk all over you. It's like, your job!" She finished, proud of her speech while Ruby piped in "Ya. There's no team in alliance." She said as me and the other two scoffed at the remark. But, it wouldn't hurt to play them with their own words. "Well, I don't see alliance in team either." I said cringing at my own words. Although the look on their faces made it worth it.

I smirked at the accomplishment and turned around walking away with Fanny and Lightning close behind.

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