Expect the Unexpected

Start from the beginning

"So you know the cure?" Toru asked, unsure of whether or not to believe him.

"Well, grandmother says it'll work, and she's... the authority when it comes to stuff like this." He smiled. "Don't worry. I'll help guide the two of them. You have my word." He turned back to the door. "I'll be leaving now. I just wanted to check in, as I saw the whole thing upstairs. Good job with that, by the way." He said off hand to the invisible girl, before continuing. "No, I'll just be around. I'll meet you in two days. Give you some time to your living friends first. There'll be enough time for you to get sick of me soon enough."

After the angel left, Ochako asked, "Would you like to just hang out?""I have homework I need to do... but... I think tomorrow we'll be able to." She went to the door. "See you." They both said, before Ochako was left alone. Sitting back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, they were about to go to sleep when there was a single, lone knock at the door.

Grumbling to Izuku, Ochako went to the door, and opened it, revealing Bakugo waiting outside. She immediately slammed it shut. This was the last person both of them wanted to deal with. "Wrong room!"
It was a certain explosive blond... although his voice was certainly quieter than before. Subdued even. "I just want to talk."

"I don't care." Ochako said, as she quickly locked the door. Katsuki Bakugo was nothing but trouble, especially after all he's put her through.  I don't have the strength to deal with you right now.

"I just have one question." His voice was still quiet, but still insistent. 

Should I let him ask?

While Izuku didn't want to... they both knew he wouldn't leave them alone again. Not until he gets his "answers". Why he thinks he's entitled to them was beyond the two of them. We don't exactly have a choice...

Sighing, Ochako asked, "What is it?"

"Do you know De... no, Do you know of Izuku Midoriya?"


She sighed. I'm surprised it took him this long.

You can't... he'd kill me again! Blame me for all of your successes!

You are part of the reason.

But I'm also killing you!

It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself.

She unlocked the door, and opened it. She gestured for him to come in. And he did, looking around. He never gave the place a proper look. He immediately recognized the laptop at her desk. "That was his. I'd recognize that limited edition Allmight sticker anywhere." He whipped around to look at her. "Did you break into his house too?"
She shook her head. "No. The truth is..."

Don't say it! But, in his panic, Izuku didn't realize he said that aloud.

Bakugo was stunned by the rapid change in demeanor and words. "Don't fucking say what?"

Izuku looked at him, terrified, before Ochako regained control. "Izuku is dead. But he's haunting me."

Bakugo couldn't believe it. "What the fuck..."

She explained carefully and quickly, to avoid a tantrum, "It's how my grades have been so good. How I've survived... hell, my evolution is thanks to him."

"But... fucking how...?" He didn't know how to speak, the news was so utterly shocking to him.

"I don't know the specifics... and as he's to terrified of you... I'll try to explain for your little brain." Ochako started.

"Hey!" He growled.

"I was the single witness to his suicide." She explained to his horror. "I don't know how... but... the next morning I woke up with him in my head and able to control me. He didn't want that, but... it's becoming more apparent. My hair has been darkening, my left eye turns green more often... hell, my new wings, and their coloration... I can't hide it forever. He certainly knew that. Aizawa knew that..."
"Teach fucking knows?"
Gritting her teeth, Ochako spoke to the blond bully. "Yeah. He does. It was also due to him that I even had the warning of my condition."
"So, you're going to go for a cure... then what?"
"Then therapy." She sighed, not wanting to talk with anyone else. "Are you done?"
He paused for a moment, before saying what both of them thought was impossible. "I'm sorry."
"WHAT?!" They both said, unable to believe what they were hearing.

He didn't meet her eyes, Bakugo's voice was strangely quiet, and it was clear that he'd never done this before. He even spoke her actual name. "Sorry... Uraraka."
Narrowing her eyes, the brunette said, "That took a lot for you to say, huh?"

"I've never had to fucking apologize before." He defended himself tersely, defeating the point of the apology in the first place.
Ochako immediately pointed that small fact out. "I can tell. Try harder."
Irritated, he said, "What do you fucking want me to say?"
"It's not about you. That's the fucking problem, Bakugo." Ochako said. "Less than a few hours ago, you were going to do another of your special... 'interrogations'! Only because the rest of the class wizened up, are you actually apologizing. It needs to be genuine, and it doesn't feel that way. Get out of my room."

He almost argued that, but then started to leave. "I'm sorry to you both. Not just you."
Izuku couldn't help but laugh at that, now that he knew Ochako's full stance on the issue. "To me as well? Finally feeling guilty about breaking my spirit and telling me to kill myself?"

That made both Bakugo freeze and Ochako immediately glance to her left, with temporary control, "You never said he was that involved!"
He turned her head back to the right, so the green eye was only visible. "Because I didn't want you to make anything worse than it already was."
"He could be arrested for instigating a suicide!" She countered while hissing back.

"No, because the only witness was me, the victim... and I was quirkless, so they wouldn't care." Izuku said back. "I won't ever forgive him for that. He's no hero. And never will be."

That was the final straw for the blond, who left the room without a word.

"Well that's a fine mess." Ochako said. "If he says anything, we're both in trouble." She walked over, closed and locked her door, then went and sat on the bed. She lay there, looking at the ceiling, before asking Izuku, "Even if we get healed... what's the point?"

He responded, "I promised to help you become a hero, even if only as your quirk. You can still be a hero."

She lay there for a moment, before saying, pondering the boy's actions. By his own admission, he had no clue how to  "But heroes help people. Bakugo may have hurt us, but I think it's clear he doesn't know how to stop."

"It'll take a long time before I ever forgive him."

She sighed, "I don't expect it to be fast. But... even with how horrible he is, we should try to see the good he has. And if tonight was a sign, it's that he's trying."

"He is very trying." Izuku replied back, with some light humor, for a change. Clearly, he wanted to put this day past him.

"That he is." Ochako whispered back, before closing her eyes. They both needed the sleep.

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