"okay but what hap-" before he could finish his sentence, you hung the phone up, and cop cars flooded the area.

a large number of police officers exited the cars, theirs guns pointed at you as they saw Hanma on the ground with blood pooling around him.

"drop your weapon right now and put your hands on your head!" an officer yelled out, and you complied, sitting up, placing your hands on the back of your head.

a cop came up to you, pushing you face first into the wood chips and placing handcuffs on your wrists.

"i didn't kill him; i shot his leg. it was purely self defence," but your plea of innocence fell on deaf ears, the officer hauling you up and walking you to the back of a cop car.

an ambulance soon arrived at the scene, paramedics hopping out and putting Hanma on a stretcher.

you watched in relief as he was driven far away from you, yourself being driven to the police station for questioning.


Mitsuya, Baji, and Mikey stood around a dishevelled Draken, abandoning their video game.

"what happened?" Baji questioned, looking at Draken who was still looking down at his phone, eyes wide.

"y/n said the cops were coming. something happened but she wouldn't tell me what." the boys stared at him in bewilderment, fear covering any rational thoughts they had.

they were unable to do anything until you updated them more, not even knowing where you were at the moment.


you were now at the police station, in a dark, plain room with a large mirror covering most of the wall that faced you.

a detective walked in, shutting the door behind him.

he took a seat in front of you, a notepad and pen in hand.

"so, what happened earlier?"

you took a deep breath, steadying your shot nerves and began to explain the situation, leaving out any detail that could link you or Hanma to gang-related activity.

"the guy that i shot, Shuji Hanma, attacked me in the park. well, not exactly.."

the detective gave you a confused look, and you elaborated further.

"he's been tormenting me for some time. this particular night, he made me meet him under the threats that he would hurt my friends if i didn't.

"he handed me a gun, and held one himself. he told me that if i didn't shoot him, he would shoot me. so he counted down from ten, and when i didn't shoot, he tried to shoot me."

the detective gave you a look of disbelief, mixed with pity.

you couldn't tell if he believed you or not, but you continued on anyways.

"i ducked; i don't know how but i missed the bullet completely."

"that would explain the noise complaint call we got," the detective added, and you nodded in agreement.

"so when Hanma figured out i wasn't dead, he charged at me. he was on top of me, and i pushed him off and when he was chasing me, i didn't have any other option than to pick up a gun and shoot him. i didn't want to kill him; so i shot his leg. just enough damage so that he would stop."

you finished with another deep breath, looking expectantly at the man in front of you, hoping he would believe your absolutely insane story.

"well, it seems to me like you're telling the truth. and you didn't shoot him in a fatal place, so that definitely helps. it sounds like it was simply self defence. we just have to get his story, and then discuss what happens after this."

you nodded, understanding the steps of caution they had to go through before you could walk out of there free of charge.

"we do have to keep you in a holding cell, though." you nodded again, and you both stood up, him leading you to a more open part of the police station.

the detective talked to a cop nearby, and he unlocked the holding cell, guiding you into it and closing the barred-door behind you.

sitting down, you looked around at the other people in their with you.

they all looked very dangerous and worse for wear; a few old men giving you creepy looks as you just sat down on an empty bench.

a woman walked over, sitting beside you.

she looked to be in her early thirties, with tattoos and piercings littering the uncovered parts of her body.

she smiled kindly at you, and you returned the gesture.

"you don't look like you should be in here, hun." she spoke softly, her voice bringing you comfort.

you chuckled quietly, shaking your head.

"yeah, it's my first time. i'm actually in a gang; so it's kinda surprising i haven't been caught before now." she laughed heartily.

you didn't know why, but you felt like you could open up to her. she had this motherly type of nature to her, and you guessed that was the reason you found so much comfort in her presence.

she was the closest thing to a mother you've had in a long time.

"well, more power to ya. just stay safe out there; you don't know how many creeps there are out there." she then looked around the cell, grimacing and turning back to you. "and in here."

you giggled, making small conversation with her to pass the time.

the more you and her talked, you found out a lot about each other.

this woman, who you had been introduced to as Emiko, had three kids under the age of 12 and she was in here for stealing clothes for them.

she had been in jail a few times for similar reasons, and you felt bad she was in here for such a petty reason. she was taking things with only the thought of making sure her kids had the best they could.

you talked with her for another hour, before a police officer opened the door and called out your name.

standing up, you said a small goodbye to Emiko and she responded the gesture, the both of you wishing each other luck in the rest of your lives.

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