She hesitates, clearly trying to decide whether I can be trusted. But, after a few moments, she gives in. "The guards. They were trying to arrest me."

No, they were trying to give you a hug. "So I take it that you're not fond of the idea of being in government custody?"

She shakes her head vehemently. "Absolutely not. I'd rather die than get caught."

The pieces click together. The government. That's who she's running from.

I study her with a newfound respect. The Kaval are a powerful organization, and anyone who can evade them is definitely more than what meets the eye.

I make a decision. I don't know what drives me to do it - perhaps it's simply the rebelliousness of the idea. No matter how well I can wield knives and swords, I still must abide by the rule of a government I loathe, if not for my sake, then Mama and Ronak's. But I'm sure I can pull off this one escapade quietly.

"Well then, you're in luck." My grin is sly, and I watch as confusion paints itself over the woman's face. "I happen to know a certain government-opposing, knife-bearing woman who knows some people who could help you."

She blinks. Her face doesn't change.

I sigh. I'm going to have to spell this out for her, aren't I? "Brown hair, huge black hood, knife in her sleeve, often described as spontaneous and overly rude? Ringing any bells?"

Finally, comprehension dawns on her features. "You?"

I roll my eyes. "No, it's the assassin that's standing three steps behind you." I deadpan.

Her head whips around, scanning over her shoulder for the person supposedly standing there. Normally, I might have snickered at the action, but I guess I can't blame her for being cautious.

When her head turns back to me, her eyebrows are just slightly furrowed, probably with annoyance. But behind it, there's fear; it lives in every line of her face. It's especially prominent in her eyes, and I'm reminded that she just escaped being chased. For all I know, she escaped the potential of life imprisonment, or even execution, at the regime's brutal hands.

I caused that fear. I can't help but feel a bit of guilt at the thought.

But right now, I have no time for regrets.

"Yes, it's me. And yes, I know some people who could hide you. Do you trust me?"

She snorts. "You were holding a knife to my neck not even five minutes ago."

She has a point. "I'll take that as a no. And that's the right answer." My wording was definitely not the best. I think for a second. "Let me rephrase that. Would you trust me enough to lead you to this place if I stayed out of your reach the whole time and promised to keep any pointy objects of mine away from your jugular?"

"How do I know that you'll keep your word?" The woman shoots back, crossing her hands over her chest.

I shrug. "You don't. But I'm your best chance at staying away from the government right now. No offense, but it seems like you could use all the help you can get."

She falters, and I know I've gotten my point across.

I wait, patient, as she mulls over her options, trying to make up her mind.

Finally, she looks back up at me. "Fine. But get too close to me, and I'll point my knife at you."

I try not to laugh. She's making an admirable effort to sound intimidating, but her threat falls flat in the face of her clear inexperience with weapons. "Deal."

With that, I spin on my heels, heading for the exit.

But there's no sound of footsteps behind me. I pause, craning my neck to see the woman still standing there, staring at me like I've gone insane. "Are you coming or not?"

"You mean now?" Her voice is incredulous. "There could still be guards out there! We'll be spotted."

I huff, a bit offended. "How stupid do you think I am?" I turn back towards the door. "We'll be taking the tunnels, obviously."

"What tunnels?!"

* * * * *

Current word count: 10378

And Rani and Maliha meet! What did you think of their interaction? I personally found writing Rani struggling to keep up with Maliha's train of thought absolutely hilarious - nobody can really prepare for the maelstrom that's Maliha Sarrow, can they? 
Anyhow, I hope this lived up to both of their characters! :)

Thank you for tuning in today! Unfortunately, I am now out of excuses to keep procrastinating, so I have to get to work. Byeeee!

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