Chapter 20 - Regardless

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You sat on the bed, pouting hard.

"Darling, please. I did not mean it in that way." Alcina tried, her voice half tired as she had just woken up.

"No? Then why did you say it?" You glared as she sighed, still laying.

"Well, surely, you would assume I had romantic feelings before you at some point? I'm decade's old!" She explained as you pout hard again.

She said, "I have never felt love towards another person, romantically, in such a long time."

And you recalling this makes you upset.

She sighed again and looked at you, a soft smile on her lips.

"Did I pursue those feelings? Absolutely not. Please, being a young jazz singer, many of the men wanted me. But I knew better. As you said, women were treated very. Different. In my time."

"You see, I had romantic feelings towards females. I could not pursue that in my day in age. Surely, you know that-"

"That doesn't make it better!" You whined, looking at her. How dare she look at other women before you...she probably still thinks about them.

She laughs and smiles, amused now.

"No? Not even a little bit better? Well, how about this. I have never felt what I feel for you." She smiled.

"Yeah, because you could never pursue it." You glared as she shook her head.

"There is just no pleasing you, mm?" She teased, her hand on your waist.

"Well, Alcina, when you-" You started but didn't finish as you stared at the cribs.

All three girls...are standing up in their cribs, smiling and looking around.

"Oh no..." You whined as Alcina smiled.

"We got standing girls. Now? It's time for the fun to begin." She chuckles.


This is not. Going to be fun.

You run around the kitchen as Cassandra runs for her life, screaming and laughing as you groan.

"Cassandra! It's feeding time!! I'm not joking!" You whined.

She laughs and run more before screaming and laughing hard when Alcina grabs her unexpectedly.

"Caught one." She giggles, kissing Cassandra's cheek as the little girl pants hard from the excitement.

"Can you catch the other two while you're at it?" You begged as Alcina handed Cassandra to you. She's right. They are growing up quick.

"Of course. I'm sure I can find them. They just happen to be a tad bit quicker than the average baby." She smiled

A tad bit?


These little gremlins were fast!

As you say Cassandra down in the little high chair, you jump as you feel something bite your leg.

"Bella!?" You whined as she glared up at you, trying to bite through skin...probably for blood.

"Come here. You are just gumming me to death." You sighed, picking her up and kissing her cheek as she sat in the highchair next to Cassandra.

"Lily?" You hear Alcina call.

Oh, Thank God.

She probably found Daniela-

You stare as Alcina sighs, coming through the kitchen doors as Daniela has blood dripping off her chin.

"I found her with a bird in her mouth." She sighs, setting her down and wiping her mouth with a rag. "How disgusting."

Comfort (Yandere!Lady Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now