A Battle

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Alex's POV

Once we reached the lab we were greeted by one of the few pokemon that I actually knew as my mum had one. It was a cute little Yamper that came running up to us barking. I bent down to greet the cute little thing and who I assume is his trainer and the professor came down the stairs. She immediately recognized Hop and they struck up a quick conversation before Hop introduced me. I came to learn that she was not the professor but her assistant and that her name was sonia. Not to mention she was Leon's rival in their earlier days. And that the actual professor was her gran as she would put it. Soon enough Leon came around and went. Said he was going to go to the professor's house. Sonia also asked us to go to the professor's house to say that we got our pokedex's. So we headed out to go get our pokedex's. Me, Hop, Gloria, And Victor struck up a conversation about the champion.

Gloria: "Believe it or not, our sis doesn't really like your brother Hop."

Hop stayed silent as if he were trying to process what Gloria had just said.

Hop:"... WHAT?!"

Alex: "Is it really that unbelievable?"

Hop:" Of course it is! Everyone in Galar likes my big bro!"

Alex: "Everyone but me huh."

Victor:"Yeah we never really got that either but I guess she kinda has a point of not liking Leon"

Hop: "So, why don't you like him anyways?"

Alex: "He only ever brags about being the champion and his head is in the clouds like he will never be defeated someday. The unbeatable will be unbeatable soon enough. And don't even get me started on his fashion sense. I try not to judge based on appearances but I just can't help myself when it comes to Leon."

Hop: "He may seem like his head is in the clouds and I guess he can brag a bit but he's really a good person. I've looked up to him since I could figure out what a pokemon battle was."

Alex: "I guess I'll have to see for myself."

Soon after the conversation finished we arrived at the professor's house. Leon was already there outside talking with the professor. Speak of the devil I thought to myself. The professor invited us in.

Magnolia: "It's good to see you Hop. But might I ask who you've brought along with you today."

Hop: "These are my neighbors! The twins are Gloria and Victor and their big sis is Alexandra. We call her Alex for short."

Magnolia:"Well, it's nice to meet you three. Especially you Alex."

Alex: "Me?"

Magnolia: "I had heard of a traveler that was from the Kalos region that moved in last night. People say that she seems to be a strong trainer. Even Leon here thinks that you might be strong."

Alex:" How can he tell with just a glance at me?"

Magnolia: "I can tell to you know. It's the way that you carry yourself and your expression like nothing can stand in your way."

Alex:"Huh. Interesting" I said as I glanced at Leon who was looking at magnolia. I was secretly grateful as I wouldn't wanna be caught dead looking at him. But that still kinda changed my view of him. Not by much but just a tad bit. After that short conversation Hop had asked about the gym challenge.

Soon enough we were outside about to see who would win a battle. Gloria or Hop. Victor didn't want to battle at all. And so the battle started with hop sending out Wooloo and Gloria sending out grookey. I knew that she could take out Wooloo as she had watched me battle and win in the kalos league. Hop was bragging about seeing all of his brothers matches and magazines and books that Leon left behind. but Gloria still had the advantage. I gave her tips to become a strong trainer since I knew one day she would get her first pokemon and showed her tips on what to do. And I was right. She won the battle just like I knew she would. She did learn one on one with me after all.

Hop: "You beat me with just one pokemon while I had two. Not only that, I had the type advantage too! But that's okay! This just means I'll have to train harder!"

Gloria:"Well, I did learn from the best!" she said as she looked at me.

Oh shit

Hop: "You Learned from Alex?!"

Victor:"Well yeah. She is the kalos league winner after all."

And that's when everyone looked at me with shock.

Leon: "Can we have a battle?!"

I decided I would humor him with a battle. Even though I knew I wouldn't win I still decided to have a battle with him.

And so we went to the mat where Gloria and Hop were battling and took our stances.  

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