Pokémon and pokedex's

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Alex's POV

I decided to give him a chance but not for the sake of him. Just for the sake of my siblings. As he was approaching the yard I tried my best to have a welcoming smile and act like I liked him from the start but even though I knew I wasn't gonna have the best tone in my voice. Hop was more than ecstatic to introduce me to leon. Apparently they had met not too long ago but even though they had already met they were still star struck. I chuckled as they were still trying to process him actually being there once again right in front of their eyes.

Hop: "I'm sure that you guys already know except maybe for Alexandra but this is my big brother. Champion of the Galar region. Also known as unbeatable Leon!"

Leon: "Hey Victor, Gloria!"

Both:"Hey Leon!"

Leon:"Hi, I assume you're Alexandra?"

Alex:" Yeah that's me." I did my best to sound like it was nice to meet him but it still came out a little rude. But even so, The only one who didn't notice was Hop. He was to excited t really notice.

Hop: "So, out with it lee! You brought us pokemon didn't you?"


Leon: "Yep that's right!"

Before I could process much of anything Leon sent out three pokemon who I knew were the Galar starters.

Leon: "This is the grass type Grookey! This next one is the fire type scorbunny! And last but not least the water type sobble!"

I was in shock. He didn't seem the type of guy to bring pokemon for two random kids he met not too long ago. I can understand his brother but my siblings. I was a little jealous but it's not like I really had any plans to give them pokemon so it wasnt so bad. The pokemon that he had introduced to us started playing with each other. Grookey went up the tree and drummed his stick against the tree and sobble went into the pond while scorbunny went running around in circles leaving a little trail of fire with each step. Unexpectedly sobble sent water flying out of its mouth and hitting scorbunny which surprised scorbunny. Scorbunny leapt and hit the tree, sending the berry down onto sobbles head. It started to cry but soon stopped as the other comforted it. I already had my predictions on who was choosing which pokemon. Victor might choose Sobble while hop will choose scorbunny and Gloria Grookey.

Leon: "Alright everyone! Line up!" He instructed the pokemon. They did as he said and lined up. I smiled softly as I saw just how happy they were to choose a pokemon of their very own. Hop let Gloria and Victor choose first as he said he already had his wooloo. And just like I predicted Gloria chose grookey and victor sobble and leaving hop with scorbunny. I was standing off to the side the whole time but Gloria and Victors pokemon seemed to take an interest in me.

Gloria: "Grookey this is our big sister Alexandra!"

Once they were all acquainted I heard hop saying something about the pokemon gyms and how he wanted to be endorsed Huh. I didn't know that you had to be endorsed to be able to take part in the gym challenge. In kalos we could just start whenever. Soon everyone's attention was on leon wanting to be endorsed.

Leon: "Theres still so much you guys don't know yet. You should consider getting a pokedex first

Hop"Right, a pokedex we're on it!"

Hop ran off like the wind to go get his pokedex.

Leon: "You two should also go get your own pokedexs at the professor's lab. Alexandra could also get one if she wanted to."

And so we were off to get our owns pokedex's. 

His Gym Leader Leon x OCWhere stories live. Discover now